I'm Broken.

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"Ian stop," I tell him. We were back at the cast house and he was pulling apart his room. "What happened?" Joe questioned "Nothing," Kat tells him. I feel her tugging me away out of the room. "He needs someone." "And that someone isn't you... if he hurts you." "He wouldn't," I tell her sure of it. He wouldn't hurt me. He wouldn't intentionally hurt anyone. 

"Ian please just listen to me!" I begged him. "Leave me alone!" He threw an award just to the left of my head. I was shocked for a second, so was he... He looked at me with wide eyes, I didn't really know what to do. I know he didn't mean it but that could have done some damage if he had hit me with it. "What the hell!" Kat shoved him. She had been extremely protective of me when it came to people hurting me, especially since we both began to understand the gravity of the situation we were in with Dad. She didn't miss a beat when it came to stopping someone from hurting me.  "STOP YOU'RE HURTING HIM!" I say peeling her off of him. "Kat, stop please he didn't mean it." 

I managed to get her away from him. "He didn't mean it? You know that's what mum used to say about your dad... that he didn't mean it." I looked at her in utter disbelief did she really just compare Ian to my dad... my abusive dad. "He's nothing like Dad... he's upset, and he's scared..." I make it clear to her. I wasn't scared of Ian... like I said he wouldn't hurt anyone. Not on purpose. 

"Just give me a minute with him." "Nay I don't think-" "Joesph I'll be okay, just take Kat," I say walking her over to him at the door. I closed it behind them. "I'm so so-"It's fine," I say walking over to him.  "No Kat's right I could have hurt you." "You didn't mean to..." I cup his face in my hands so he'd keep eye contact with me. "Everyone knows." He whispered. "Everyone knows that you're strong." "No... I'm weak he said so." "How are you weak Ian? You carried on with your life as if nothing happened whilst dealt with it all behind closed doors. You protected your fans from heartbreak by seeing you like that. And even though she didn't deserve it you protected Amber from the fans, from paps from jail time! You're one of the strongest people I know. You're anything but weak." 

"How can anyone love me! Look at me!" He pulled his shirt off, his chest covered in little raised burns. "Look at me!" He shouted. I put my palm flat on his chest covering a few of them. "Ian they don't mean anything. If someone loves you they're not going to care that you have scars! They're going to love you no matter what!" 

"And when they find out I can't have sex with them without breaking down in tears like I already have! Then what NayVee!" "You'll find comfort in the right person E, you're just not ready." "It's been over a year! A year and I can't touch anyone, I can't hold anyone." It pained me to hear him like this. "I'm broken." "That fact that you say you're broken means you can be put back together again... With time." "I don't have time! I'm falling apart and I can't breathe. I feel like I'm drowning. She still controls me." I rested my forehead on his. "She doesn't control you Ian... Don't let her...just go at your own pace. We're all here for you. to listen, to talk, to hold you to make you laugh when you need it." 

"My mum's gonna find out." "She's going to want to hold her baby boy and make sure he's safe. And she's going to tell you how proud she is of you for not giving up. She's going to tell you you're brave and she loves you unconditionally." I tell him. 

"I nearly hurt you." "Forgot about it," I tell him already over it. "Kat said-"Kat was scared... and worried about you that's all." He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer before sinking his head into the crook of my neck. "I love you E," I tell him. He squeezed me back in response. 



Seeing her nearly get hurt made me spring into action. I didn't care who he was, no one hurts my sister. She had been hurt enough. I didn't think before I shoved him away from her and jumped on him like I was an animal. Like I was my dad... anger ran through my veins and it took over. 

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