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@IanSomerhalder: Welcome to the World Princess

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@IanSomerhalder: Welcome to the World Princess... World meet Nola Somerhalder

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@KatMalarkey: Coming home to see these two visiting is the best thing

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@KatMalarkey: Coming home to see these two visiting is the best thing. I get lots of aunty cuddles!


@Iansomerhalder: They pull the same face when they sleep... missing my girls.

@Nina: Ahh! Love! Nola is the cutest... Can't wait to stop by for snuggle time baby girls. 

@Fan1: Is anyone going to mention the fact that @NayVee is sleeping in @Iansomerhalders top... how cute she still steals his things. 

@KayleeBryant: My two fave girlies... I guess lunch with me is tiring. 


@NayVee: We miss you, Daddy, come home soon @IanSomerhalder

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@NayVee: We miss you, Daddy, come home soon @IanSomerhalder


I laid on the floor of my sister's lounge as my child ran around getting chased by the one-year-old both of the giggling finding this game of chase funny. We came over to visit and the visit turned into a day trip here. They basically have a petting zoo in their back garden. Marlon loved it. 

"What you doing on the floor?" Nay asked laughing but laid next to me. "Just taking it all in," I tell her. "Mama," Nola said. "I'm here baby," V said sitting up and the baby ran into her arms. Ian was away working for the next week, Nay seemed to be missing him a lot. Normally they would all travel to where ever Ian was working that week but V had a shoot so they flipped a coin to see who got to keep Nola for the week. Ian also clearly because Nola was home with us. Also, V's trip was shorter as it was only a day shoot.

"Are you happy?" I asked as I sat up leaning against the sofa. "Of course I'm happy." She said smiling at her daughter as Nola touched her face. "What makes you ask?" She questioned as she reached for Nola's sippy cup. "Just making sure... It's all I've ever wanted... is for you to be happy." "I'm always happy." "Before." "I was happy Kat." "How could you have been?" "Because I was with you... losing mum hurt a lot but you were there and it hurt a little less." She said softly before going back to goofing off with her daughter. 

"I'm proud of you," I tell her. "I'm proud of you... You're who I've always looked up to. Always... Even when you were going through your weird teen phases." She laughed. "I wasn't that bad." "Mhmm." "Seriously though. I've always looked up to you and I always will." She told me sincerely. it warmed my heart to hear her say that. 

The front door opened. "Marlon." "Yes, mummy." He said coming into the lounge from the piano room. So it wasn't him. "Just checking."

"I heard someone was missing me," Ian said walking in with a big smile on his face. "Dada! Dada." Nola said excitedly. V got up from the floor so fast and ran to him. He held both his girls close to him... 

She was happy.

She healed.

She was content.

She got what she wanted

What she deserved

And that completed me.

I had Micheal who I loved deeply. I had Marlon, my special little boy. And I had my sister who was being loved unconditionally by my amazing best friend. Who treats her like the princess she is. I had my happy sister back. I had everything I ever wanted. 

My dad couldn't take that away from me. Nor could V's dad take it away from her. Because they couldn't hurt us anymore. Because we were safe. We were loved despite what they told us. 

I felt whole again as I held my son and watched my baby sister beam with happiness. 

We were going to be okay

(A/N- And that's a wrap! Hope you guys liked it! Let me know any book ideas and what you thought of this books in the comments.)

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