Award Show

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It's been 3 months since I and Ian made it official and it's been the fastest pace three months of my life. Getting ready for award show season was stressful on its own. The show had been nominated for a fair few different awards and so has members of the cast and of course I was going to support them. But not only was it award show season we had also started filming for TVD again so prep work for the award show had to be fitted in around filming and it's been one hell of a squeeze. 

 I forgot how long it took me to pick a dress. Never mind four different outfits. 

"What shoes are you wearing?" "I don't know," I said to my sister. I was stressed. We were are the house getting ready for the award show. It was the second one this week. I was tired. And everyone was everywhere. There were different glam teams in the house fixing everyone up and tonight was the night I and Ian were going together. I was nervous. What was everyone going to think? Ians fans have become super protective of him since the whole Amber thing became public, what if they hate me! What if they don't want us together. What if- "Breathe." Kat reminded me. I did as she asked. "Shoes?" "My red bottoms." I say simply gathering my thoughts for a second. "I'll go get them." I smiled at her thanking her as she rushed out of the room and up to her bedroom where the things are. I had been staying here more and more. With filming it was just easier to ride home with people than travel 30 minutes to get to my apartment. 

I only stay at home when I'm not filming the next day or me and Ian want time away from everyone. Or I want to spend quality time with my sister. Which I've not been getting much of recently because of filming, and award shows and boyfriends. She and Micheal have been viewing houses together recently and he's been consuming all of her free time. I'm happy for her I really am but I would love to have time with my sister too. But hey it's part of growing up.

"You look beautiful," Ian said kissing my cheek careful not to mess my make-up that has just been complete. "Thanks," I say typing away on my phone. Kaylee was in the other room with Dani getting ready and we were texting each other back and forth because I was freaking out! I never went public with Tom in the three years I was with him. Given I was like 15 but still never went public so I never had to deal with all this. 

"We don't have to do this tonight." He told me. "It's fine." I smiled at him. "I need to go get my dress on," I tell him. "Hurry back I need to fix your wig." My hairstylist said. I shot a thumbs up and went into the bathroom where my dress was hung up in the dress bag. It was a beautiful, black base dress with red lace roses on it. It fitted perfectly.  I came out without it done up as I couldn't do it myself and the first person I bumped into I asked to do it. The house was crawling with people. It was chaotic, to say the least. I'm regretting my decision of getting ready here. I only got ready here because we thought Kaylee and I could get ready together but there was that many people it just wasn't possible to have both our team of people working on us. 


"Ready?" Ian asked me. I nodded I looked over my shoulder at my sister. "Love you." She said. "Love you, you look amazing," I told her before Ian opened the car door and got out. I watched him fix his blazer before reaching for my hand. I held it and let him help me out of the car. He helped me sort the bottom of my dress out before we walked into the crowds of cameras. 

"Hold my hand?" I asked him. The loudness of this place was getting to me. "I'm right here." He whispered kissing my head as he laced our fingers together. "Ready?" I asked him. He nodded and we took our first step as a public couple on the red carpet. My heart was beating so fast if it wasn't for the shouting from the paps you would have been able to hear it. 

"Ian over here." "Nayvee. NayVee to your left." We tried to follow the direction the best we could so the relevant people could get their photos of us. "If you can stand right there." One of the assistances directed us, we stood on the mark and smiled and posed for the photos. Ian kissed my cheek which calmed my nerves a lot. Who cares what the fans think. He thought I was worthy enough to have his heart that's all that matters. He was here with me. 

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