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V very really had PTSD attacks, especially not in front of people. She often got flashbacks when she was alone because he mind is distracted when she's around people. However, when she has sensory flashbacks that's because some things triggered her. Like tonight. 

Seeing her in this state always stressed me out, I didn't enjoy seeing her in pain or upset. I especially didn't like knowing she was reliving the worse times in our lives alone. I'm so grateful Ian knew what to do because by the time I got there she seemed okay, to a point. These attacks can normally get pretty brutal, hypoventilation masses of tears, panicking. But she was as calm as possible whilst having an attack. 

She was currently fast asleep her head in my lap and she was holding one of my hands. My other hand ran through her curls in an attempt to keep away all the bad dreams she might have. "Get some sleep E... She'll be okay now." I tell him. "Thank you for helping her," I say as he laid down. He moved a pillow onto the bottom of his legs. "Get some sleep." He told me with a smile. I laid down trying not to move my hand too much from hers in an attempt to keep her asleep. 

She woke up and looked at me. I smiled softly at her. I nudged my head and she crawled over to me and laid with me on the pillow that was on Ian's legs. She fell asleep pretty quickly my arms wrapped around her tightly in my arms. "You're always safe with me," I whispered to her. It caused her to snuggle closer. "I love you," I tell her. "Love you."

I wait until she falls asleep and then I wait a little longer to make sure she's peacefully sleeping, her breathing is normal, she's calm. I watched her sleep for a long while, it's important for me that she feels safe, I didn't want her hurting. I wanted to be there for her. 


"Is she okay?" Paul asked me when we come into the lounge. V went to the kitchen to make coffee for Ian and herself whilst I and Ian came in here. "She's fine." "I feel so bad. I really didn't know." "Don't worry about it... don't bring it up either." I know he felt guilty and he probably wanted to talk to her about it but that's not how it works, we move on from it when she's ready to talk she will.

She came in with E's coffee and then sat beside me. I let her lean into my side. I kissed the top of her head. "Do you guys have work today?" She asked. "No, we're done for a few weeks." "Makes sense." She says. "What?" "Claire and Bee both messaged me this morning asking if I wanted to go to the Korean spa." "You should go," I tell her she looks at me, and right now I knew she needed me to just be there for her. "But I'd rather you come with me, I've got a few things I need to go into town to do." She nodded.

The morning moved on and V made sure Paul knew there were no hard feelings. She joked around with him laid with him. And then we went to get ready when people left. Ian was still here. I came out of the bathroom to see the two stood by the window Ian's back to me and my sister was stood in front of him his arms were over her shoulders as they both face away from me. I had my money on her and Paul, but seeing the two like this made me rethink that... I coughed to let them know I was here and they both turned to look at me. "You almost ready?" V asked me and I nodded. "I just need to do my hair," I tell her. "Okay." She smiled and then they went back to looking out the window in the same position. The fact that they didn't jump away from one another like they had been caught doing something wrong made me think maybe it was just platonic. 

I'll talk to her later. We're both pretty open with each other so she'll definitely tell me what's going on, if anything. My sister isn't the type to drive straight into a relationship. But maybe for the right guy. Who knows. 

I do my hair and they just talk between them. They are good friends. I think it's because Ian has opened up to her about the whole Amber thing, He's still not mentioned anything to me or Paul only that they have broken up. Which I get it's hard for him to talk about but I'm his best friend and Paul's basically his brother why hasn't he spoken to us yet. Especially when it was obvious what had happened. 

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