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I got ready for my interview just putting on a basic outfit and making sure my hair was neat enough to go see human beings that don't know me all that well.

Once I was presentable to the world I went over to Ian's to see if he wanted to join me for breakfast but before I could knock my phone rang. It's was Tom. "Hey baby." I say smiling into the camera as I walked away from the door and went down to eat alone so I could talk to my boyfriend. "Hey V." He said sadly. "What's up? Is everything okay?" I asked him concerned he looked upset. "We need to talk?" "If this is about the video on the plane we literally fell asleep." I explain. "No it's not's something else." "What?" I questioned   I take a seat at the table and look over the menu. "I um..." he chewed his lip. "What's up baby?" I asked softly not wanting to upset him more. "I cheated on you last night." He said in a rush. I blinked a few times processing his words and not comprehending it. "What?" "Don't make me say it again. Please V." "Don't call me that!" I snapped standing from the table and going back to my room as quickly as I could. I closed the room door.

"With who?" I asked immediately. "NayVee, don't-"no I want to know who you cheated on me with Tom! Who made you throw away a 3 year relationship! Who!" "Selena!" He snapped at me. I fucking knew it! I knew he had been seeing her! "How long for?" "3 months." "3 months! So when I was grieving my mother you were fucking someone else. Are you kidding me! The minute I left New York! You couldn't have just broken up with me?" "I'm sorry!" "Fuck you tom! Fuck you! Fuck her. Fuck who ever you want. We're done!" "NayVee please I made a mistake!" "No! I made a mistake trusting that you loved me!" I hung up before I cried. I didn't want let him see me cry.

"Kat?" I said into the phone the minute she picked up. "Nay can I call
You back I'm on set." "Tom cheated on me." I cried. "Julie it's important I'll be back." She says and then there was movement. "What's happen V?" She asked concern filling her voice. "He called me this morning and he said we needed to talk... I thought it was about Ian and I cuddling on the flight whilst we were asleep and some girl videoed us. Tara was sorting it. But it wasn't and he told me he had slept with someone...Selena." "Maybe it was a mistake, I'm not defending him nd I'm going to kick his ass for hurting you but-"A three month long mistake Kat? When mum died he was fucking some else whilst I was doing my best to hold it together!" "He's a dead man walking." She spat anger growing in her. "Why wasn't I enough for him?" I cried sitting on my bed. "You're more than enough V! He's just a British douche!" "If I was enough he wouldn't have cheated on me when I was hurting Kat! If I was home, I... it wouldn't have happened." "This isn't on you! Do you hear me. This isn't your fault." I stayed quiet, I couldn't help but think it was something I had done to make him turn to someone else. But Kat was right, I hadn't done anything wrong. I moved with my sister because I was grieving and I needed my family. 

"What time is your interview?" "12." "Okay, stay in your room calm down. I'm gonna call Ian and have him swap with you... you're not working whilst you're upset." "Kat I'll be fine it's my job." "No, your job is to look after yourself. So, go run a bath." She orders me. I find myself nodding as she said she'll call me back. 

I don't run myself a bath though I stay sat on my bed crying. 3 years of my life. Since I was 16. I've wasted with a low life that thinks it's okay to sleep with other people when in a fucking relationship. I get it were young and we were young when we first got together and theres plenty of fish in the sea blah blah bullshit. But It doesn't make it hurt any less. I still feel like I've had my heart ripped out of my chest and stopped on a million times. I wish I could say I hate him but I love him, I just hate how he's made me feel. I know he didn't love me as much as I him because if he did he would have been with me in Georgia whilst I grieved my mother not sleeping with a random women. I guess she wasn't so random Selena was his best friend, maybe it was going on before I even left NYC. maybe it's been going on the whole time and I'm the fool for not noticing sooner.

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