Cat, Kat

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Everyone ordered their food and we were just talking amongst ourselves. I was sat with Claire she's the closest to my age and we get on really well. And Phoebe too it's nice to have friends of my own and not always with Kat. I mean Kat is friends with these two too but she's not as close as she was to the others on set. I guess it's because they're not always on the show.

We ate happily talking and laughing and those who could drink drank. I would probably have a glass of wine with Nina when I get home. She normally my drinking buddy.

"I propose a toast," Ian says. "Nah, you're boring," Paul said smushing cake in his face. My jaw fell to the floor. I can't believe he just did that in such a nice restaurant. Then again I can it's Paul and he doesn't care in the slightest where he is. "Nice Cake choice." "Thanks, it was Kat's." "Hey!" Kat said looking down at her empty plate. "Here." I slid mine across the table. I was full from the main and starter anyway. "Thanks, sissy." She said with a kiss face. I did a kiss face back and she happily tucked in. "A toast." Ian starts again.

"To new beginnings, to new opportunities, to new friendships." He smiled and everyone raised their glass knocking it against the others around.


"Are you coming back to our place?" Ian asked putting his blazer over my shoulders as we left the restaurant. "I kind of have to. I'm driving you." I laughed. "Can you bring the cars out please?" I asked the valet and hand them our tickets. "Of course ma'am five minutes." "Thank you," I say with a smile. "I mean to stay?" "Probably, I think Nina wants to continue her little party at home," I say looking over at Neens and my sister dancing outside the building. "Good." "Good?" I questioned. "I enjoy your company." "I don't normally have that effect on people." I laughed referring to Paul who always tells me to go away though he's only joking and he messages me constantly when I do eventually leave.

"Hey, you coming back to our place right?" Paul asked me throwing an arm around my shoulder. "Yeah going to join Kat and Neens," I say pointing to the two how have moved on from dancing and are now singing. "Seems fun." "It's always a party in their heads," I noted. "True," Ian says getting involved again. "So I was talking to Julie and she said we can go to costume next week to pick out our clothes and stuff. Want to go together?" "Yeah sure. I'll have to let you know a day though. I have a last-minute shoot." "Since when?" Kat asked coming over. "As of five minutes ago," I tell her turning my phone so she could see the message from my assistant. She pouted. "It's in NYC!" "Yeah, but I'll be back after a few days," I assured her. "Besides I'll be able to get some of my stuff packed up whilst I'm there."

"Is it the shoot for ELLE?" He asked... I frown. "Yeah, how did you know?" "My shoots for Wednesday." He said looking up from his phone. "You should travel together, then I know you'll be safe." "I'll be safe regardless. Freak accident remember." I tell my big sister. "I know. I just meant." "I know." I said with a small smile. "But I'm down to carpool." "Yeah let's do it."

Where we live is really remote so we had to drive to North Carolina before we could get on a flight to NYC but thats not too bad with the company. "Why you two?" Paul questioned. "It's for their charity issue." Ian read out from his email. "Charity?" Paul questioned. "Yeah the animal charity I run" Ian laughed. "You have a charity?" He turned to me. I nodded. "Yeah for Domestic Abuse for men and women." I say. I set up up when I was old enough to understand everything my mum went through. I researched a lot and realised that a lot of people are affected by it and I wanted to help, I didn't want people going through the trauma of that especially where children were involved. 

The Charity is set up to help survivors be able to relocate, get support and go through any therapy they need to rehabilitate. It's a charity close to my heart and I'm proud I was able to set it up when I was just 16 years old it's the thing I'm most proud of out of my whole career and It will remain that way forever. "Wow... You're 19 right?" "18." I corrected him. "Such an overachiever." I punched him in his shoulder and he shoved me back.

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