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"Graham! Wake up!" I sang to the youngest sister who was fast asleep on her sister's bed. Kat was on set along with the majority of the household. "Graham!" "What time is it?" She mumbled picking her head up only to let it fall back into the pillow. "4:30...we got to get going." "My body hates 4:30! Can't we wait until 5?" "No, our flights at 12:30 it's a 6 and a half-hour drive. Meaning what?" I quizzed. She needed to get up and doing maths might have been the way to do that. "My sister told you I didn't finish school right?" She rolled over into her back her eyes open looking up at the ceiling. "We need to get going." "I hate you right now." I thought she was used to early mornings. I leave her to get ready and message Kat.

She informed me that Nayvee didn't mind mornings but anything before 5 was a no from her. And she also added that V and Neens were up until Nina left for work this morning talking. So she was extra tired.

She came down the hall pulling her case with her. "Morning sunshine." "Morning." She replied softly going past me out to the garage where the cars were all tucked up away. "I'll put it in the trunk," I tell her, she thanked me and jumped in the jeep whilst I put our cases away. "Have you messaged Kat?" I asked remembering she told me to tell V to message when were leaving. "Yeah, I messaged when I was getting ready." I nodded and started the car.

"You regretting staying up with Nina now?" I asked amused as she rested her head against the car window. "Was we loud? I'm sorry." She says. "No, not at all. Kat told me you'd be tired this morning because you stayed up with Nina." "Yeah, wasn't my wisest choice I've made." I chuckled.

"First stop coffee and breakfast." She agreed so I pulled into the first drive-through I saw and got our orderers. "You porridge and berries." I handed it over to her. "And your coffee." "Thank you." She said whilst taking them from me. I took mine from the lady and then pulled off to park up.

"What did you get?" She asked yawning. "Smoothie bowl." "Oh yum." We ate in mostly silence the radio playing in the background, it was still really early but we were both waking up more now, I think that had something to do with the coffee we were consuming.

"I can't believe we were driving at this time in the morning," I tell her. "It's not too bad, try going on a run at this time." "I'll leave that to you." We both laughed. "So tell me about your charity?" I asked her. "Well, I assume Kat's told you about..." I nodded. "Well, I wanted to help people like us, like my mum. And when I did research I noticed that there were lots for women but not many focused on male abuse too. So I wanted it to be an inclusive service, charity to help everyone of all ages. Children all the way up to like the elderly. Um yeah." She shrugged. When she spoke about it you can tell she was passionate which I loved! You can't just set up a charity and not be passionate about it. "So what does it do for the victims." "Firstly we refer to them as survivors victim has negative connotations." I nodded. "And we use the money we raise from a charity event, donations other things to help them with anything they need. So in extreme cases, it could be relocating them to a different state, so we'll pay for the initial down payment of the house or apartment, the travelling and transport of their belongings. All that. Or we can offer them therapy, re-buy damaged items or just be someone for them to talk to." "Successful then?" "Yeah, it's my little baby... It's just the satisfaction of helping all those people be safe it's just the best." I nodded understanding it's the same feeling I get when we rescue an animal. "I can't believe you set it up when you were 16." "You have a charity." "I was what? 4 years older than you when I set mine up." She smiled. "You still do it fairly young and you're helping animals which is the important thing. You could have never set up ISF." She pointed out. "True."

"Paul warned me before he left yesterday," I told her. "What do you mean he warned you?" "He told me to not flirt with you... he likes you." "No, he doesn't we're just friends." "He likes you. Why else would he tell not to flirt with you." "Because my sister would hurt you if you did?" She said amused. "She would." I agreed with her.

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