Morning Bitches

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"V?" I heard a male voice call. I sat up from the couch and looked around. "Oh hey, Ian... V still here?" Paul asked casually. I checked the time and it was only 6 in the morning. "She's normally on a run... be back around 8," I tell him laying back down. "How did you even get in?" I asked pulling the sheets over me more to get cosy again. "I let him in," Kat says coming into the room and sitting on the couch, which was my bed.  

"Morning," I say as I roll over with my eyes closed. "Why are you up so early?" I asked her. "Well, my sister just went through a breakup and then just stopped answering my calls." She says. "Yeah her phone died while we were eating." "You went to dinner together?" Paul asked. "We brought Thai here..." "Was she okay? Why didn't she call me?" "Amber and I bumped into her on her run. I offered her a ride home, and then we decided to grab food." I explained. "She seemed fine," I answer her real question. "So you stayed over?" "Yeah was too tired to drive home after the film so she let me crash here... borrowed your clothes bro, I'll have them washed for you." "You had clothes here?" Oops. "Yeah I and V were running lines, it got late... crashed in her room." He added on, I believe as a one up to me. He stayed in her bed I staying in the lounge. I had a girlfriend I wouldn't have stayed in her bed regardless. That wouldn't be fair to Amber. 

two hours later V walked in on cue. "Morning bitches I brought breakfast." She said putting the bags on the coffee tables. I sat up moving the sheets. "You cold? I can put the heat on?" She asked me. "No it's good," I say as everyone else seemed to be feeling warm-blooded today. Paul in just a t-shirt, Kat and V in gym shorts and a crop top. "Hoodie?" I nodded I was a little chilly. "I'll be back, save me some Avo toast." She called as she left for her bedroom. 

We shared the food out equally on the plates Kat brought in, we each wanting a little of everything. She brought Avo toast, Pancakes, smoothie bowls. Eggs and turkey bacon. All the works they were also two muffins. 

"Here you go." She handed me the oversized hoodie of hers that fits perfectly on me due to the fact I was a little bigger than her. "How was your run?" "It was good? Had a boxing class this morning too." "Did it help?" "Spraying his car had a bigger effect but this was less illegal." She joked with her sister as she squeezed in beside Paul on the love seat. Paul naturally sits with his legs wide set which in most cases is annoying but NayVee used it to her advantage today and used one of his knees to balance her plate on whilst she ate. Kat and I stayed on the sofa bed using a cushion to higher the plate off the bed to make it easier for us to eat. I ate the smoothie bowl first before moving onto the rest of my food I had dished myself up. 

"What's the plan for today?" Kat asked. "I have a fitting for TMS with Paul in about an hour-ish, so that... then Lunch with Pheebs and Claire," Paul added. And she nodded. "Then I think we said we were going to get our nails done?" She asked Kat. "Oh, so you remembered this time." She teased. "How could I not, you moaned for a month when I forgot last time." "Then I have dinner with TMS cast." Paul nodded. "Probs crash at your guys tonight so I can spend time with Nina... She said I'm neglecting her." "You were away for 4 days," Kat said amused. "We missed you what can I say," Paul said wrapping his arm around her. She smiled at him before going back to her food. "I'll get the wine in for tonight then," Kat said. "I'll take water... Probs shouldn't be drinking until Tara has fixed this whole mess." "True." Kat agreed. 

"Tomorrow we still on for our hair appointment?" Kat asked. "Yeah, I confirmed with Cindy this morning, she's going to meet us at her place at 2." Kat nodded. "Pick me up from work?" "Yeah, I will...Want me to bring you lunch/dinner?" She asked. It's crazy how the pair planned their next few days just like that knowing their schedules from the top of their heads. I couldn't remember what I was doing today without checking my calendar. 

"I'm gonna get ready... You okay to drive?" She asked Paul. "Yeah, we need to leave a little before so I can drop your sister off." He said taking her plate from her as they both stood up. "I'll take her home, I'm heading there anyway." He nodded before disappearing with the dishes into the kitchen. 

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