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louis was the type of guy who would do anything to please anyone, even if he looked stupid. running around the block in his underwear? no sweat. pretending that he twisted his ankle in the biggest game of the season, so his friend could have his moment on the soccer team? of course. but on a rainy november thursday, when his mom had told him he had to take dance lessons for his aunt shelly's wedding the last week of december, he wasn't having it.

"louis dear, you have too. your aunt wants this to be perfect. you could take that lovely girl, what was her name? kimberly? you could take dance lessons with her! how cute would that be?"

"moooom," louis groans, his mom never accepted the fact louis was gay, no matter what, even when louis had brought a boy home the first time, she kept insisting they were just friends.

that was the first and last time he brought a boy over, which his mom didn't seem to mind.

"kimmy is just a friend! in fact, my best friend! so please stop, for heavens sakes!"

"well you better act quickly then, she's a nice girl and she will be snatched up real quick if you don't act fast, i expect you to find a class of something soon, you wouldn't wanna disappoint." she taps his dust brown hair, leaving the room before louis could object again.




"honestly kim, she knows how much i hate to dance and there she is, telling my aunt that im dancing at her wedding, like the fuck? and now, if i dont dance at her party im gonna seem like that one nephew who doesn't give a damn if im ruining her day." louis groans, hitting his head on the dark blue locker. they were currently by kim's locker, while she finishes up her last minute makeup, (her mom wouldn't let her wear eyeliner or lipstick, just a light dash of eye shadow and mascara.)

"honestly lou, it's no big deal, just sign up for a week class and go, it'll be over in no time, yeah?"

"but i don't and can't dance!"

"i can teach you."

louis and kim turn around to see harry, he was a little different, always wearing feminine clothing (louis didn't mind one bit, he actually thought it was kind of cute, especially how harry would take the time out of his day to put on makeup and everything, even though most girls did, with harry it was different. )

"what?" louis asks.

"i overheard you guys talking, and i can teach you how to dance, i take a ballet class and im at the top of it.. i know more than ballet though, and um no charge. i kind of need it for class too." and sure, maybe harry lied about the last part, maybe he had a crush on louis since the beginning of tenth grade, and maybe his best friend liam had encouraged him to tell louis he can teach him.

"are you sure? im quite rubbish and have no experience at all."

"yeah, its no problem, if i wasn't up to it, i wouldn't of asked."

"well, okay then, today after school? my locker is 1225, meet me there okay?"

"okay. see ya later." with that harry waves off to the older, but shorter lad as he walks to liam's locker, telling him all the details of course.

word count; 577

well this is the first chapter (: i dont really wanna drag out the story so i got right to the chase haha, but i hoped you liked it! leave me feedback(: (the chapters will be longer maybe idk idk)
please note: harry isn't fully transgender. he just loves to dress up as a girl (for now??? I DONT KNOW MAN)) Harry will still be a him/he. if thats not confusing lmao

I don't dance - larryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora