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i will be updating every sunday((:

"liam he is just so sweet and his eyes, oh my god. you can get lost into them so quickly."harry leans against a locker, closing his eyes. "harry im glad for you, but we have to discuss that bakery thing for today."

"right,right. my mom got the cupcakes and the pies, im just gonna have to go home for like ten minutes to grab them." liam nods letting harry know he can go on. "but, do you think we should do it some place else? nobody comes here after school, even if they did i doubt we would reach our goal."

"nah, harry i think we will do just fine! plus lots of the teachers have kids so wouldn't they want to buy extra for them?" harry nods, because what was the point or arguing with liam? he'd win anyways. "great. see ya at lunch harry."




"hey! harry!" louis calls out, seeing those curly locks walking around the lunchroom. "hey louis. what's up?" harry smiles, and grabs some tomatoes. "uhm nothing you wanna practice after school today? i mean if not.." "i would love too!" louis smiles. "but, i can't." and the smile falls.

"lou, don't look sad. i would if i could, but liam and i have this bake sale to do after school, i'm really sorry. this has been planned months. it's for liam's sister.. she has cancer." "oh really? well i hope she gets better.. do you um need any help?" "nope, i think we got it.. i have to go to my house to grab the cupcakes and pies." "oh okay, hey, do you wanna sit by me and some of my friends at lunch? liam can come too." louis asks, looking at the table him and his friends always sit at. "are you sure? we don't exactly fit in.." "of course, you are my friend and liam is yours. if anyone doesn't like it then they can take it up with me." louis says, grabbing harry's hand and taking him over to his table.

"guys! this is harry, he will be joining us for lunch! be nice." louis takes a seat by some jock harry doesn't know. "okay, this here is justin," louis points to the guy who he sat by, "that's kim,but you already knew her, that's sarah." a girl with short hair looks up from her cell phone and waves. "that's kevin and tony but they aren't that important." they all laugh and emerge in a conversation, minus harry.

"hey harry, what do you think? the saints or greenbay?" louis asks, nudging him with his shoulder. "uhm, i personally like greenbay..but i don't watch sports.." harry nervously pulls at his hair. "ah. well there you have it guys, greenbay wins." louis smirks, nodding at harry to come with him to dump their trays. "you only say that because harry did!" someone yelled. louis flicked them off and exited the cafeteria with harry.

"thanks for having lunch with me, harry. you didn't really talk that much?" louis asks, leaning on a locker as harry grabbed his books. "yeah, i didn't actually fit in with the conversation..." harry chuckles. "aw, i'm sorry about that honeybun. it won't be like that again.. gee i feel bad."

"don't. it's fine really, i gotta go, but catch you later, yeah?" "yeah, later har." "bye lou."



"harry there you are!" liam smiles, setting up the last of the cakes. " i'm soo sorry liam, my mom forgot to tell me where the food was so i was looking all over out kitchen, but here they are!" harry hands over the box of cupcakes and pies. "thanks so much harry." liam smiles, and takes a seat behind the cash box, harry following.

"where were you at lunch? i had to sit with garret and logan by myself today, and those two are so boring." liam looks at harry with a suspicious look. "oh, i was sitting by louis." harry looks away. "you ditched me for him?" liam asks, sounding hurt. "no no no. liam, i was gonna get you but forgot." "harry, i know you finally get to talk to louis, but you are ditching me. friends before boyfriends? remember? why isn't that happening?"

"he isn't my boyfriend. i can hang out with other friends liam. i was going to invite you! i totally forgot. how about saturday and sunday we hang out? i swear liam, i never would do that on purpose." harry apologizes. "promise he won't get in the way of our friendship?" "i promise."

word count: 770

updates are (hopefully) every sunday. lately ive had no motivation to write. ((leave comments and feeback, it helps. Really.)) Even thought today is saturday, I decided to update because im one of those shitty writers, who only update a little. But hopefully that changes. I hope people still read this book omg.
- Hannah

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