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"so how was it?" kim had asked as she approached louis' locker the next morning.

"not too terrible. actually kinda nice, he was kind of shy? then got really awkward over the word breast." kim arched an eyebrow at this, confused.

"you had to be there. he was adorable though." louis smiled, looking over at harry who was at liams locker.

"so did you get any dancing done? how was that?"

"oh, we got maybe the posture? got distracted really." kim smirked, but groaned.

"lou, you know your mom will be pissed if you don't actually learn at these 'classes'! are you trying to get on her bad side?"

"kim i've been on her bad side since i told her i was gay and then she tried to still set me up with girls. i swear i'll learn something at some point, right now harry and i are just getting to know each other, okay?"

"i just dont want you to make any mistakes lou, i care for you."

"i know kim, and thanks. now let's get to class yeah?"




"now in 1954 timothy was just starting his career, many didn't believe in him.."

"psst harry!" louis whispered. he knew that harry could hear him, really. why was he ignoring him?

"har! har! har!" harry turned around trying not to smile.

"yea lou?"

"can i come over at yours today for lessons?" harry grinned, nodding. he had been wanting to ask louis that all day but liam had told him to wait and let louis make the first move into asking, and harry listened liam because he had a lot more experience than harry.

"sure maybe around 5? i gotta do homework but after that i'm yours."

"sounds good honeybun." louis smiled, paying attention back to the teacher who was giving the assignment. he had no idea what to do, but if all fails he can always copy kim's.




"hey louis right?" anne opened the front door, greeting louis in.

"yeah, im kind of late," he tried to explain, it was five thirty, but it wasn't his fault that his mom wouldn't take him, he had to catch a bus.

"it's alright i'm sure you wouldn't be late on purpose, no need to explain, harry's up in his room, its up those stairs the second door on your left." she smiled pointing at the stairs.

"thank you anne." louis smiled back, heading towards the room.

"oh harry, i have arrived i'm so sorry for being la- oh." louis looked at harry who was just in a white towel.

"oh hey sorry, i thought you weren't gonna show so i took a shower, uh im sorry, i know im kinda ugly, but please don't stare. here why dont you go down to the gym and yeah." louis wanted to interject and tell him he was breathtaking but instead he smiled, going down to the gym, before he realized he didn't know where it was. so he sat outside of harrys door until he came out.




"thanks for the lesson today harry, sorry for breaking your stereo." louis apologized.

"it's fine, it was old anyways. do you wanna stay for dinner?" harry asks, redoing his bun.

"can't. i have to catch a bus in about ten minutes." harry frowns.

"you take a bus here? thats not safe is it?"

"yeah, my mom didn't wanna take me, but as long as you keep to yourself it's pretty safe."

"I'm not too sure, how about you stay and eat here and then i'll take you home?" harry asks, leading louis back upstairs to his bedroom.

"are you sure? i wouldn't wanna bother." "'course. how about you change into some of my old things, and then meet me downstairs in like fifteen minutes?" harry hands louis some dark color clothing and points towards the guest bathroom.

louis wasn't too sure about wearing harry's clothes, he seemed pretty tall and didn't he and harry wear different things? he took a look at the clothes to be met with a 1975 tshirt and some white basketball shorts. harry did say this was his old stuff, so louis figured it was before he started becoming more open with himself.




"so louis, what do you do? any hobbies?" anne asked as she took a drink of wine.

"uh, well im on the soccer team and that's about it?" louis asked, realizing he didn't have much to say.

"oh that's lovely dear, harry is rubbish at that, but he still tries whenever his cousins come along, don't you love?" anne smiles.

"yes mom." harry rolls his eyes. "when harry was a child-"

"hey, lou, are you ready to go?" harry asks standing up from the table. "sure, thanks for the food anne." louis smiles.

"no problem lou, l hope you come over more!" anne yells as they exit the front door.

"so, soccer huh?" louis smirks as they make their way down the street.

"yeeeah. sorry about that."

"i think its cute, dont worry. maybe i can teach you sometime."

"nah, i gave up on that awhile ago."

"okay, well if you want to just call me. see you later honey bun." louis smiles, getting out of the car.

"thanks for the ride by the way."

"no problem, see you tomorrow."

"bye harry."

word count: 910

didnt know how to end it haha.
sorry for not updating in forever.
do you guys want me to have specific days to update?

{ps if some chapters say soccer and some say football just ignore it, it's supposed to say soccer since they live in america but i forgef haha}

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