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"kim, i just don't see what the problem is." louis throws the small ball into the air, catching it.

"i know louis, why'd she freak out anyways? i mean you were just sitting in his vehicle."

"uhm, well harry and i almost kissed too" he hesitates, grabbing the phone taking it off speaker.

"what?! louis the fuck?"

"kim, it was so nice though..his eyes were so lovely up close."

"do you here yourself?" she laughs.

"i'm so confused kimmy, i just don't know what to do, like is he actually interested in me? hell, am i interested in him?"

"i know lou. but you just gotta go with the flow. it was probably just a moment you know? besides, your main focus shouldn't be if he likes you or not, it should be the dancing."

"yeah, you're right. plus..he probably has a boyfriend."

"see? you don't even know if he's single. just don't jump into it, kay? you need to practice, and strictly practice. you don't want your mom angrier."

"i know..i'm confused though. my mom has nothing against gays, but she acts like it's a crime if i am. i know she wants grandchildren, but she has the girls for that too."

"just talk to her maybe? this has been going on for quite awhile."

"i know, i want to, but i feel like now isn't a good time. ugh why is this so stressful and confusing?"

"louis. just focus on dance and school, okay?" kim sighs. "i feel like you're over thinking this, you've guys been doing this what? two weeks? and with your mom, just wait until you're in a serious relationship."

"i'm sorry kim, there's just something about him that captivates me. i really wanna learn more about harry, and that's probably what i'm gonna do. about my mom, i mean."

"and you can learn more about him, but just as friends."

"why does it seem like everyone so against me dating harry? he's a great lad." louis sighs.

"lou, i just don't want you to get, harry isn't that much your type...?" she asks.

"i don't have a 'type.' i just go with the flow."

"how about i set you up instead?"


"why the hell not?"

"because i don't need or want it."

"you want harry that's the problem."

"it's not a problem."

"i think it is."


"louis, harry is weird..don't you think?"

"why the hell would you say that?" louis furrows his eyebrows.

"well...he does wear girl clothes."


"louis. boys don't wear girl clothes."

"kim, when the fuck did you become like this?"

"ever since you started crushing on him!"

"i'm not! even if i was, that doesn't give you the fucking right to even talk about him like that! everyone's fucking different kimberly. so you can either stop bashing on him or i'll hang up."

"louis, it's just-" she stops in the middle of her sentence, not knowing what to say.

"it's just what? you didn't have a problem before. now it's suddenly a problem."

"louis." kim sighs.

"don't. i thought you out of all people wouldn't do this, i'll see you at school." louis hangs up.

louis groans, setting his phone down. he really didn't expect kim to act like that, she's always so open minded, especially with people who do most things people are afraid of doing.

he shakes his head, before sending harry quick text.

to harry🎀:

hey..practice tomorrow ur place??

from harry🎀:
yeah sounds good, what time? 😄 x

to harry🎀:

from harry🎀:

alright😄 see ya then lou x

to harry🎀:

night h

from harry🎀:
night lou..😴😴😴🌙 x

word count: 500
this was a filler, im sorry the last two chapters have been so bad.

what do you guys wanna see in the future?

I don't dance - larryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ