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"liam. yesterday's sale was a bust. we need to move somewhere else." harry says the next morning, as he is in front of the mirror fixing his hair. "it was only a bust because we didn't have these babies." he wiggles around flyers. "liam, people don't read flyers unless they are stalling or they are just really bored." harry takes the flyers out of liams hand. "harry! you have to give it a go." "no liam. here, let's make a deal. let me choose the area for this baking thing today, and if it doesn't work out we go back to the school, and if it does then we stay in that area."

"fine deal. where's the place?" liam asks, grabs the flyers from harry's hand. "that'll be figured out by the end of the day. catch ya later li." harry walks out the boys bathroom, and walks over towards louis, who was standing by kim's locker. harry admired him for a moment, a cute gray beanie was layed onto of his head, and he was wearing a burgundy sweater with black skinny jeans and white vans.he looked so adorable.

"hey lou." harry says, approaching them. "hey honeybun." louis smiles fondly, kim rolling her eyes. they stare at each other for a few minutes and until kim speaks up. "look, sorry to break up whatever you two were doing but louis and i have to get to class. was there something important?" "oh uhm, tomorrow do you wanna do another lesson?" "sure harry. i would love too. oh the reminds me, can you come to mine after school today? i got something for you." harry sighs. "i can't, sadly. liam is having another bake sale, and i have to choose the location since our last one was a flop."

"hey! how about you have it at the park? you sell things and have water right? well the team and i are having practice there. you should sell it there!" louis exclaims. "hey that's a good idea lou, we wouldn't wanna bother though.." harry says, adjusting his bag on his shoulder. "nonsense. you won't. our practice is at 4, i can come pick liam and you up?" louis offers, hoping his mom will let him use the car, she's been awfully cranky and has hardly let him do anything. "sure. catch ya later louis." "bye harry." kim rolls her eyes and drags louis to their class.




"liam!" harry calls out, rushing over to the older boy. "yeah?" "i have a spot for us, it's the park where the football team practices." harry grabs a salad from the food line, like he always does. he didn't really like the school food the lunch ladies cooked, no offense to them or anything, he just didn't. "the footie team? really harry? i doubt they will buy anything." "louis sai-" "of course louis said, look harry, i doubt they will actually buy from us. " "they will! i swear!" harry follows liam to their regular table. "fine. fine. but if this doesn't work, it's all on you." liam says picking up his burger, taking a bite as louis and someone he doesn't know stand by their table.

"hey harry, hey liam. do you mind if zayn and i sit here?" zayn. why does that name sound so familiar? liam wonders as they two lads sit down. "so zayn." harry interrupts his thoughts, "do you play footie with louis?" liam looks over at zayn who smiles at him and says, "nah, i'm more of a guy who stays home and draws." "what do you draw?" liam asks, curious about the brown eyed boy. "just random things." he shrugs, taking a bite of his pasta. "so harry! did ya get liam to agree with you for the park thing?" louis asks, looking between harry and liam. "yep! he thinks he gonna regret it." "i won't." liam rolls his eyes, zayn chuckling. "hey, why don't we just cancel it?" liam says, harry looking at him weird. "cancel? liam your si-" "i know. i forgot the goodies anyways." liam lies, he's just suddenly tired of this whole thing. harry gives him a 'we'll talk later' look.
"do you want a lesson lou? after your practice?" harry questions. "yeah sure! you can watch our practice then we can do our lesson!" louis smiles, he doesn't know why but he loves lessons with harry. "can't wait."


woops ending rushed/sucky chapter.
word count: 755
hope your day is good.
remember to vote and comment it helps a lot.
edited: i just had a thought that i could use goals so how about 4 votes and 6 comments?

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