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harry wasn't the brightest kid around, anyone could see that, he would get confused easily and talk in a slow deep voice which annoyed everyone, but to louis, it was rather lovely. the way he would take time to actually think about what he was saying, sure it took forever, like it was right now but he didn't mind.

"lou? are you listening? step back then forward."

"yeah yeah, sorry harry."

"s'alright, just try to pay attention yeah?" harry grabs louis hand and places it on his waist.

"now, step one." they step forward.

"step two." they step back, as they try to take another step forward louis steps on harry's foot.

"ahh, shit." harry grabs his foot, sitting down on the floor.

"are you alright?" louis looks with wide eyes.

"yeah, just been banging this foot all day, could you get me some ice?" louis nods, walking out of the room, to, where he hopes, is the kitchen, bumping into anne on the way.

"hello louis, how are you?"

"i'm good ma'am, and you?

"oh please just anne, are you leaving already? im alright dear."

"no no. i kinda stepped on harry's foot so im here to get ice..where's the kitchen?"

"oh dear. he has a huge recital tomorrow evening. follow me honey." she leads him down the way he came.

"like a ballet recital?"

"yes yes. he's actually gotten a little solo." she grabs a plastic bag, and opens the freezer.

"you should come? i bet harry wouldn't mind." she puts ice in the bag.

"i'll think about it yeah?" he grabs the bag from her.

"let me know dear. now hurry along." she ushers him out of the kitchen.

"here's your ice haz..i'm sorry."

"no biggie. accidents happen all the time. it wasn't just you either. i can be pretty clumsy."

"do you need anything?" a guilty louis asks.

"help me to my room? i can call a cab and give you money?"

"no no, i'll just take the bus." he grabs harrys arm, slinging it across his shoulder.

"buses aren't safe around this part of town."

"i'm tough. i got this."


"here, sit down on your bed."

"ah." harry moans, grabbing his foot.

"harry. lift your foot up so i can put the pillow underneath." harry does as he is told, adjusting his butt into the bed as well.

"there. call me if you need anything, yeah?"

"yeah alright. see you monday."

"bye harry."



"honey where were you?" his mom asks, louis pops into the kitchen grabbing a soda.

"just out and about."

"hmm. alright. dinner will be done in forty minutes."

louis nods, walking upstairs to his room, his phone buzzing about five times while he kicks off his shoes, then looks at his notifications.

twitter: @pornhublinda followed you !

snapchat: from stan🚮

instagram: josh hutcherson posted a photo!

harry🎀 (1)

louis ignores all the other notifications and open harry's.

from harry🎀:

hey did you make it home okay? x

to harry🎀:

yeah ! thxs for askin. hows ur foot

from harry🎀:

it's good(: but gotta go to the doctor tomorrow😤😤

to harry🎀:

isnt ur recital tmmrw?

from harry🎀:

yeah😥 but hopefully everything works out + it'll be better tomorrow so i can go☺️

from harry🎀:

do you wanna come? if i can of course😁

to harry🎀:

yea yea ! i think it'll be cute to see you in a tutu 😜

from harry🎀:

hahaha maybe😁

to harry🎀:


from harry🎀:


to harry🎀:


from harry🎀:

okay😂😂 im going to go now, talk to you later louis

to harry🎀:

later harry.


word count: 650

what even was that last part of the chapter i

they used a lot of an emoji ((especially harry.))

and the anne and louis part i

this whole chapter was bad ugh

so i might change the update day to Saturday i dunno. i start school soon😒 + I usually wait to do homework on sundaysss.

but we might be moving before school starts to new hampshire and idk when they start school so who knows

so comment vote or whatever sorry im a bad author hope you had a lovely dayy

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2015 ⏰

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