Chapter 15

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Luke P.O.V

"Dude you fucked up" I say to Michael as I we walk out of the store. I had to get some stuff for me and Reanna's date tonight. And No I didn't get condoms, I got some food because I'm going to cook her a pasta dinner. Well try at least, then take her to the beach for a nice walk, Maybe a little skinny dipping. Haha Just kidding.

"I know, but in my defense she kissed me first." he says sitting the food in the backseat of my car. "Did you kiss back?" I ask getting in the front seat.

"Maybe a little" He says while shutting the passenger side door and buckling up. "Well then why should she forgive you Michael?" I ask as I pull out of the tight parking space and driving away. "She should forgive me because, I didn't kiss her. Sophia kissed me first!" Michael says. 

I've known Allison since I was 14, we were really good friends, but we fell distant in the past years. I've known Allison alot longer than Michael, I've seen her at her worst and at her best. So I guess you could say i'm on her side in all of this. Nobody knows that me and her where friends before, so if I tell him that i'm on her side he would be pissed.

I drive to my house and me and Michael get everything ready for tonight.

Reanna's P.O.V

I haven't talked to Allison in 2 days she hasn't came by or called or texted nothing. I think I should go over to her house. I get out of bed (Yes I'm still in bed at 1 in the afternoon) and walk over to my closet and pull out a flannel. I walk to my dresser and pull out some black ripped skinny jeans and a tank top. 

I lock my door and strip my clothes and put on my tank and jeans. I pull my flannel over my tank and brush my hair. I walk to the washroom and put on some eyeliner and mascara. I put a little eye shadow and nude lip stick with a little blush. I leave my hair down and walk back to my room. I pull out my combat boots and grab my satchel, along with my keys and head down stairs. I see mum making coffee.

"Hey hun want any coffee?" she asks pouring herself some. "Um" I say and look at the clock then back to her she is sitting at the counter now, with her coffee in her hands. "No thanks mum, I have to get going acually. I will see you later though.I Love you" I say and walk to the front door. 

I get in my car and start to drive to Alley's mum's house. About 5 minutes of driving I reach her house. Her car is here so she must be here too. I pull into the drive way, once I park I sigh to myself hoping she is okay. I get out and walk to the front door, I knock twice then wait. Alley's mum Stephanie answers the door. "Oh hello Reanna, what brings you here?" she asks so nicely. "I was wandering if Allison was here?" I say. "Oh of course, but she want come out of her room. Oh silly me please come in Reanna." she says stepping out of the way letting me in. "Thank you" I say and walk down the hall to Allison's  room.

I get to her door the one at the end of the hall with signs and paint all over it. One sign says go away another one has a panda on it. There is paint on the corner saying Infinity. Her favorite word. And in the Middle of the door letters say 'You come in you'll get hugged to death' and then there is orange and green and pink and red paint all over the rest of the door. Very unique I thought as I knocked on the door.

"Go a-away" I hear her sob. "Please let me in Allison!" I say.

"Go a-away" she says again. Instead I walk in and see her in her bed cuddled up with the stuffed panda I got her for her birthday last year. I can barley see her face, her body is covered withb hug blankets. Her room is a mess. Things from her table are broken on the floor. 

I see one thing particular, that was not on the floor and that was the picture we took a couple summers back. We were in our bakini's, laying in the sand, holding each others hands. We had sunglasses on and we drew the words best friends for infinity in the middle of us. I smile at the picture and return my focus back to the sobbing girl covered in blankets on her bed.

I set my satchel down and take off my shoes and join her on the bed to cuddle with her. I hug her as she cry's onto my shoulder. I rub her back in a soothing way. And after what seems like hours of us cuddling and her crying, she finally stops and falls asleep. I decided to clean her room up a bit. I get up trying to be as quiet as I can. I pick up broken glass and torn up paper. I set the things that she didn't destroy and set if back on her desk. I fix the blanket on her bed so it looks a little better. 

After I clean up a bit, I write her a note telling her that I left and if she feels like it I could pick her up later and we could watch some movies at my house. As I'm about to leave I remember I still have her phone. I go and set her cracked phone on her desk and then leave to go get ready for my date with Luke tonight. 

2 hours later

I look in my body mirror hanging off my door. I look nice. After I left allison's I came home and took a 45 minute shower, fixed my make up nothing special just the normal stuff. I put on my Black leggings and a floral top with my vans. I curled my hair into little ring lets at the bottom. With that I put my golden earrings on.

I go downstairs to show mum my outfit and get her opinion, but when I get down there I see Luke in skinny jeans and a Nirvana shirt with vans. He looks FUCKING HOT.

Okay so I felt as if it had been like 50 years since i've updated so I wanted to give you something so here it goes.

I dont have school tomorrow because my area is under a snowstorm watch or whatever. But yay I don't have to go to the living hell my parents call school.

Thanks for 700 reads, you guys are amazing and I want to thank each of you for reading this crapbag I call a story. I appreciate it alot so thank you.

And please vote and share, comment if you want. And Just thank you I love you all who read this, it means alot. 

Stay cool

Lots of Love

- Allison

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