Chapter 8

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Reanna's P.O.V

It's currently 4:00 pm and me and Alley are lying on the couch while Ash play rock band using the drums.

"Fuck" Ashton shouts and the music stops, I look at to see his drums with a giant whole in one of them, Well I know what to get Ash for christmas.

He turns the game off and takes the drums apart and throws them in the bin. My phone buzzes and I look down to see a text from Alley

From: Panda

What time is your date? When is he picking you up? What are you going to wear? What time do you have to be ready? Where are ya'll going?

From: Penguin

6:00, 5:45, My black skinny jeans with my red and blue flannel with my gray vans, 5:30, To the movies for dinner and to play in the acrade!

From: Panda

Sounds like fun but you might wanna start getting ready here i will go and pick out that out fit and you tell ash that were going upstares to get you ready for your date! Yeah!

From: penguin 

Sounds Like a plan now hurry and go pick out my outfit panda!!!!!!!

From: panda


And even though alley is laying across my lap we still text and don't talk like normal teens wow were going to be freaky old lady's like the only thing we will do is text each other! Alley jumps off my lap and sprints up stars, I hear a thud. "I'm OK I just ran into the wall again!!"alley shouts I laugh at her clumsiness, she fell this morning over the coffee table and ran into the wall this is the third times she has ran into the wall today!

Ash is quietly typing away on his phone, "hey who are you texting?" I ask as if I didnt even know. Ashton's girlfriend's name is Linda and earlier when I stole his phone and ran into the bathroom he gotta text from her and she said she was pregnant and that she was getting an abortion. I would never get an abortion it's like killing somebody a baby, well that's what it it but the baby hasnt even devolped yet. I wounder what he did when he found out? "Oh, uh i was texting Linda! Reanna she's pregnant or was and she got an an a-abortion!!!" 

"Ash I know i had your phone when she sent those text, im sorry!!!" I say

"No Reanna it's fine thanks for understanding I love you now go get ready for your date and have fun Im going out for a bit!" 

"Ok ash be safe and I love you to!!"

I run upstairs and see alley in my bedroom she picked out the outfit i told her and layed it across my bed. I grab my clothes and a new pair of undies and a clean bra and head into the washroom to take a shower. Once I get out of the shower I put my hair into a messy bun for now and put my clothes on. I take my dirty clothes and towel and washrag and put them in my hamper. I walk into my room Alley is gone there is a note on my bed

Dear Bestest Penguin 

Calum and Michael supposedly were watching gay porn!! and Michael got a boner and he didnt want Calum to help with it so he called me!!!! Btw you look stunning I saw you on my way out I will be there around 9 and you better be home!!! Im just kidding you can stay out later than 9 but if your not back past midnight im calling the cops though!! Have fun and good luck, and try not to be so awkward huh!!?! Alrighty bye see you later Penguin!!!!

Love always Panda

Reading that note was the highlight of my day Michael got a boner from gay porn and called Alley to help re leave him of it! How romantic. I walk over to my body mirror that's hanging on the back of my door and looked at my outfit it was pretty awesome. I grab my brush and brush through my thick hair. I blow dry my hair completely after I grab my curling iron and plug it in and curl my hair and then by now it 5:30 i unplug my curling iron put some eyeliner on, mascara and eye shadow and foundation with a little bit of blush. I slip my gray vans on and grab my satchel. I put my phone, money, lip gloss, a pen a pad of paper and some popcorn salt for the popcorn. I head down stairs and when I get down I walk to the door and open it and there Luke is. 

His hair is in quiff and he is wearing a shirt with a fat penguin that say 'I'm not Obese I'm just really fuzzy!" I smile to myself when I see the shirt because Alley called me an obese penguin earlier today! He is wearing Black skinny jeans and the same color vans as me. 

"Hey beautiful are you ready?" he asked his voice so deep 

"Yes, yes I'm am ready to go!!!!"

We get to his car, he opens the door for me and i hop inside. I buckle myself up and wait for Luke to get in the car, tonight is going to be awesome!!!

Sorry this chapt is so short

Thanks for all your support with the story this is my first one so if it's not good with you im sorry

Keep reading, voting, commenting and all that!

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Lot's of love -Allison

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