Chapter 12

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Reanna's P.O.V

While at the hospital the doctor told me some how I dislocated my ankle and I put a lot of pressure on it climbing up the tree house that it swell up. So the doctor gave me a shot and my ankle returned to normal except it was still dislocated. "On three the Ms. Iwrin, OK you ready?" The doctor got in position to pop my ankle back in place. Ashton was at my side holding my hand. 'On three!" I said preparing for the worst pain.

"1,2,3" The doctor said and popped my ankle back in its place with a quick slip of the wrist. My eyes where clenched shut and I held Ashtons hand. "you can open your eyes now Reannie!!" Ash said with a giggle. The doctor put a thingy that went around my ankle and said I could leave. Me and ash walked out the hospital and drove home. When we got there I went straight to the couch to find Luke there. I got up next to him and cuddled up to him. "What was up with you earlier?" He asks. "Nothing" I lied because I was kinda freaked about the whole Luke not being a virgin thingy and I cant tell him the reason because he is gonna think I'm stupid for thinking that, so i'll just keep it too myself!

"Oh, are you sure because you looked scared earlier and like you needed to think about something?" Luke said, I really don't want him to find out!

"Yes, Luke I'm sure"


After a few seconds of awkward silence i say something.

"So you wanna watch a movie and maybe you could spend the night...BOYFRIEND?" omh (Oh my hemmings, yay awesome ikr) I love calling luke my Boyfriend.

"Sure thing GIRLFRIEND" Luke says No wait i think i like it even more when Luke calls me his girlfriend. I get up and put in pitch perfect and then grab some blankets and join Luke back on the couch. I wrap me and Luke up in the blankets and we cuddle with each other and sometime during the movie I fall asleep on Luke's shoulder.


It's a Monday morning and Luke and alley are at school, so I'm hanging out with Michael and Calum because they dropped out! Ashton is with Linda apparently she is keeping the baby and couldn't go through with the abortion! Me on the other hand got kicked out because I broke a girls nose punching her in a fight! I may be shy, but I'm a fighter and will not hesitate to fight somebody at all!

"We should do something I'm bored!!!!" Complained Michael.

"Let's watch a film" Calum suggests.

"OI OI LETS WATCH MEAN GIRLS!" I shout because I'm obsessed with that movie. I know it word for word!

"Hell yeah" Calum and Michael both say together, I giggle out of their stupidness and they laugh at each other being stupid.

I get up and put mean Girls in the DVD player and hit play, soon the movie begins and we are all cuddled up on the couch watching the film. I've been really sleepy lately and I quickly fall asleep while watching the movie and cuddled up into Calum arm while MICHAEL is cuddled up with Calum's other arm Calum is cuddled up with both of us.

(The dream)

I sit up and walk around I look around, I'm outside and the sky is light green with orange outlining everything in sight except a person. The person is in a dark place where the light doesn't even dare to peak. I walk closer to the person, then the person walks away farther into the darkness. Getting frustrated because I want to know who they are. I walk even closer to the person and they stop letting out a sigh and an evil laugh they step closer to me I back away scared of what will happen if I stay in the dark anymore. Once I leave that dark place I turn to walk away not really caring if I know who the person is because frankly that person scared me, I try and walk away until a hand is placed on my shoulder! I jump out of fright because that is the same person from the dark place. To say I'm scared was an understatement, I was petrified! I didn't know who it was or what they would do to me. So I just stood there with their hand on my shoulder, not moving a muscle, not even blinking because I'm to afraid of what I will face if actually do turn around! Finally taking in a breath of air, I turn to see LUKE!

(Dream ends)

I wake up breathless on the floor while Calum and Michael are laughing like hyenas! My elbow hurts I think I hit it when I fell. Wait how did I fall?

"Did you two push me on the floor?" I ask

"Yeah, but you were freaking us out!" Calum says and they stop laughing.

"How did I freak ya'll out? 

"First off you kept mumbling come out, come out and then you sat up straight and slapped me in the back of my head, then you giggled and poked my cheek and then layed back down! And what finally made us push you off the couch was you gasped and shouted Luke's name and we thought you were having a frickle frackle dream with Luke and that kinda weirded us out!!!" Michael says. 

I just sit there on the floor holding my elbow and processing what he just said.

"Ok well first off I wasn't having a smut dream with luke in it, but Luke was in my dream,and you hurt my elbow, so thanks!!" I say and then get up and walk into the kitchen and see Ashton left a note. I go to read the note

Dear person who reads this!

I'm not going to be here I'm taking care of Linda for awhile, I wont be home until next month, Reanna, if your reading this you know where the emergency money is and mum said she was coming home in a week, but dad has to stay in America. Mum and dad both know I've gone to help take care of Linda. And if Reanna isn't reading this can you please show this to her!! ILY Reanna be safe and make sure alley doesn't destroy the house while im gone because you know she will!!!

Sincerely Ash

OMH man ash left and wont be back for a month!! I'm gonna miss him. I sigh and through away the note and grab a bar of chocolate and walk back into the living room to see Alley and Michael sucking each other's faces off! And Luke is standing by the door looking around until his eyes meet mine and I just forget what I'm doing and my legs take over and I find my self in front of him. I wrap my arms around his torso and hug him, he hugs back and kisses the top of my head. Ash maybe gone but I've got Luke, Alley, Michael, and Calum to keep me company!

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