Chapter 7

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Reanna's P.O.V

Buzz buzz buzz

I rub my eyes and get out of bed and turn my alarm off, I grab my hair band and tie my hair into a high bun and walk down stairs.

When I get down stairs I see Ashton at the counter and pull out a stool from under the counter and sit beside him. 

"Good morning Ash" I say

"Oh, I didn't see you there um good morning to you to!!" 

I smile and stand up and walk to the fridge and pull out a pack of Bacon and orange juice. I walk to the cabinet where the glasses are and get a small one to pour orange jucie in. I take out a pan to make bacon with, I put the bacon inot the pan and flip it ever miunte or so and when it's done I take it out of the pan and put it on a plate.

I take my plate of bacon and sit back down beside Ashton, he is on his phone texting somebody. Out of no where Allison walks up behind me and takes 3 peices of MY bacon, If the bitch want's bacon she can make bacon herself and how the hell did she get here anyway? Oh yeah thats right after we went home last night Alley skated over here and fell asleep in Ashton's room, Yes i know she is dating MIchael that's why Ashton slept on my top bunk where Alley usally sleeps. 

"Good morning baconsnatcherbitch" I say and she gives me a dirty look before she walks out of the room and I hear a loud crash. Me and Ashton jump and run into the next room, the living room and see Allison on the floor holding her leg rolling over him pain her eyes closed shut as if she was being put through excruciating pain right now. And what do Baconsnatcherbitches that hurt their leg on a coffee table get? They get jumped on by the bestestes penguin ever!!!!!!! So thats what I did, I jumped on my Panda and she screamed Ashton is now taking a video probably going to show the guys Including Luke and Michael!!!! Oh wait Luke! I totally forgot that Me and luke are going on a date tonight holy crap im so excited oh yeah i forgot to tell Ash and This baconsnachingbitch!!!


Allison that is now holding her ear says "What do you want you OBESE PENGUIN?" 

Oh wow that hurt my feelings "Thanks im now going to be remebered as an Obese Penguin thanks Alley"

"Your welcome and what's so importnt that you had to scream in my ear about?" Ashton still taking a video agrees with allison and I jump off the floor and help the bitch up then shout my news.


"Wait would you mind if you repeating that in English this time please?"


"Danm you act like this is your first date girl" alley says

"Oh wait sorry this is your first date, im the one who all ways gets guys even when im in my pajama's at the supermarket" Alley says, sometimes i just want to pull her hair out but in a friendly way.

"And send" Ashton says

"What did you send and to who exactly?" me and alley say in sync

"I just sent that video I took of you and alley to um...Maybe I sent it to Michael and Luke!!"

"What the hell ashton" me and alley say in a union 

We look at each other ferious and say "Stop that" at the same time then we say "Im seirous stop" Then we finally stop when Ashton's phone goes off!!!!!

I run to ashton before he can react to the message and grab his phone and run up stairs into the washroom and look the door before slidding down the door on my bach sitting on the floor and reading the text which his phone is blowing up with.

From: Michael 

Damn my baby looks good in pj's

From: Luke

WOW please tell Reanna I thinks she look absulotly perfect in the morning not that i dont think she looks perfect all the time, just tell he that and that im looking forward to our date tonight unlessm she doesnt want to go, woah i need to take a chill pill huh ash anyway thanks for sayng it's ok for letting me ask out your sister and everything wow i write long text's anyway ttly -luke

From: Michael

Yo ashton how did you get so lucky to have two very pretty girls at your house? I mean im pretty lucky to i got one of them as my own and soon luke will have the other one but damn man you live with both of them practicaly it's like everynight is a sleepover at your house

From: Linda

Im pregnant and it's your!

From: Linda 

Im getting an abortion, Im sorry ash

From: Mum 

Hey sweetie how's you morning, me and your father will be home in another 4 months we love you and your sister be safe love you!

Thanks guys for 270 reads I didn't think it would get to 50 and it's got 270 wow thanks keep reading hope you enjoy i will try and write some more as soon as i can i've been missing alot of school lately and need to catch up but i will try and write more sorry for a short chapt anyway vote, comment, tell your friends thanks love ya -Allison

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