Chapter 1

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"So where are you going?" I ask tugging his ripped marvel avengers shirt. "To band practice!" he says slapping my hand to get me off his shirt. "OUCH, Ashton that hurt you asshole!" I say grabbing my hand that he slapped. "Leave my room Reanna!" he says with a grouchy voice. "Why are you in a band you can't sing or play an instrument?' I say as revenge for slapping my hand.

I guess I should introduce myself. Im Reanna Iwrin, Ashton Irwin's sister. I have Blue eyes and Shoulder length black hair. I enjoy spending time with my bestfriend Allison Thomson. She practicaly lives here with Me and Ash. We have been friends for like ever. My favorite color is blue or purple and I love penguins like im obsessed with them lol me and Alley make up weird nicknames for each other. I try and act cool and bad ass but I'm really a girl with no education because I got kicked out of school, oh yeah I really hate it when people call me boo or babe it's like make's me feel all weird and I don't like that. I also swear alot but then again so does Alley. Well that's me. I guess I'll continue

"I play the drums, so piss off!" he says grabbing me and throwing me over his shoulder and walking to my room with me across his shoulder. He sets me down on my bed and quietly walks out of my bedroom. "Thanks, can I come to band practice with you?" I ask. "Yep get ready!" surprised he said yes I get up off my bed and slip on my band tee and some skinny jeans with my converse. "Are you ready?" Ashton asks. "yes I'm coming" I yell pulling left converse up and jumping up and walking out my bed room door which he was standing right beside. I run down stairs and hope in his car. We drive a few minutes and then we pull up to this beautiful house with blue shutters and a blue roof with a blue door and a garage. We get out of the car and walk to the garage and we walk in and I see 3 guys sitting there waiting. I guess waiting on Ashton. One guy had olive skin tone and the other guy had a galaxy hair color.

And the other guy was looking at his guitar, but what I can see of him he has blonde hair and then he looks up when he hears the door slam shut. Then me and him have a moment where were just starring at each other. He has piercing blue eyes and a black lip ring. Then Ashton says "Hey guys!' and takes his seat by his practice drums. And I go sit on a stool by the door, when I sit down the guy with the olive tone skin says to Ashton "Is this your girlfriend?". I giggle and then Ashton says "Eww, no this is my sister, she practically jumped in my car and wouldn't get out. So I borough her with me." "Oh, well then introduce her to everybody!" he says. "Fine, guys this is Reanna and Reanna this is Calum, Michael and that's Lukey over there." Ashton says. "Hi guys!" I say and then wave at them.

"Hi Reanna you have a pretty name!' Calum says and I can feel my face start blushing. "Thanks!" I say and then Michael and Luke say hi but they both seem to busy in there on world to notice me, but its not like I want to the center of attention. My thought get interrupted by Ashton banging his drum set to get everybody's attention. Everybody turns and looks at my brother and wonders why in the world did he do that.

"Ok everybody what song are we going to play?" he asks as if he was the most mature person in the room, which he is not. "How about this song I wrote?' Luke asks shyly. "Ok lets see it Lukey!" Calum and Ashton say while Michael is to focused on his phone to care about anything. Luke hands the paper to calum and calum reads the song and then gives it to Ashton and then shouting at Michael to get his attention. "What?' Michael says but then looks at me as if he didnt know who I was. "who is this?' Michael says pointing to me. "Well if you were listening to me earlier than you would know this is my sister, Reanna!" Ashton says with an additude."Oh sorry I was stalking Lukeys twitter!" He says laughing at luke turning a slight pink in the face.

Oh my gosh I've been here almost twenty miuntes and I already like these boys. I really like Luke he seems really nice and sweet with a hint of bad ass and he looks like the kinda guys who likes penguins. Michael he seems nice Perfect for allison thought they would get along great. Maybe I could introduce him to her. Thats it I'll get her a boyfriend for her birthday. Calum he seems well I don't know how to describe him. Hmmm lets see he reminds me of a cute puppy mixed with a bad ass mofo. There all pretty cute, But i think I kinda like Luke the most. Well lets see about Michael and Him stalking 'Lukey's' twitter.

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