Chapter 11

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Holy crap, Luke is my boyfriend and were making out in my kitchen. Things were started to get heated up when we heard someone in the door way clear there throat. Luke looks me inthe eyes and whispers "Later" in my ear. He moves so I can see who is in the door. Calum, luke turns around and calum mentions for him to come towards him, he does, I get up and follow them into the hall way. But they stop so I hide around the cornor where they cant see me.

"Dude, awesome, you finally got a girlfriend!" Calum says

"Hey 'dude' dont tell anyone she is my first girlfriend!!" Luke says a little embarrassed.

"What, your not a virgin remember, plus your gonna gave to tell her sometime your little secret!"

"I know bu-but I want our relationship to be nice and I had sex yes but I never had a girlfriend"

"Ok alright Im not gonna tell her!"


"yep now she is probably wondering where you are go get back in there and don't hurt her ok"


I run into the living room and hop on Michael by an accident. He looks surprised and Alley looks like wtf is she doing.

"Sorry, I didnt mean to jump on you Michael" I say.

"Nah it's fine" He says and continues to play with alley's hair. Soon Luke and Calum come in the room. I get up of the couch and run to kitchen. I hear Luke ask michael and Alley why I ran in here I think ashton left because he wasnt in there. Luke pops up in the kitchen. "hey why did you run off like that?"

The only reason I'm doing this is because, Luke isn't a virgin and I am! And if we do have sex then, he might not think I'm good enough and want to leave me! So I'm gong to be me my little awkward self and do this. I walk to the fridge real fast and open it see theres no milk. "Darn, wehavenomilk,Ithinki'llrunoutandgetmilk,gottahavemilkberightbackLuke"

"I run to the living room slip on my shoes and a sweat shirt and grba my skate bored and start skating down the road, when I trip and fall off my skate bored. I'm a good few seconds from my house and I can't get up. Oh wait I forgot my phone oh yeah and money. I pick myself off the ground and grab my bored and jump with one leg all the way to my back yard. I try my best and climb up the latter to my treehouse. Yes I know Im 17 years old and still own a treehouse, but after mom and dad adopted they buildt me and ashton a treehouse. I would always come here when i was sad or upset which was pretty often.

Once I get into the treehouse I sit in on of the beanbag in the cornor and look at my ankle. It's swelled up, I guess putting pressure on it made it worse than it was but, I think I spraned it? Im not sure but it's a good 5 minutes to the store and back plus you got to have time to get whatever and pay for it.So they wont bother with me until it starts getting dark and I dont even hvae my phone.

It's getting dark and cold nobody has thought of me im sure. I reach over and grab a small blanket and put it around my legs. I'n getting really tired and my eye lids getting heaver and heaver until i'm all the way alsleep.

I wake up to police sirens and there really loud. I move my blanket and see my ankle is dark blue and purple and swoll. It's still dark so im guessing Alley and the guys called the cops because I'm not home. I see some flash lights wave around and somebody ask "Is anybody back here?" I try and speak. but I guess since it's cold I lost my voice. Wow I feel like rose off the titanic right now. I try my hardest to say something but nothing comes out. I grab something beside me and throw it on the ground. All the flash lights turn to what I threw which was marsh mellow gun. Then all the lights look up to the tree house I'm in. They still cant see or hear me so I throw something else. I hear someone yell ''search up there " and two men with flash lights come up the steps. Once they get up here they point there lights to me and I wave kinda embarrassed. "Are you Reanna?" one of them ask. I nod and they shout to the guys on the ground that they found me. One of the guys picks me up and takes me down from the tree house. Once we are on the ground they take me to an ambulance out front. Once they sit me down Alley, Calum and Michael come running up to me. Alley gives me a huge hug the same with calum and Michael. I wonder where Luke and Ash are?

"Hey guys" I croak out not very audible.

"Why the hell did you scare us like that?" Alley asks

"Where's Luke and Ash?" I ask still very croaky.

"Were here" I turn around and see Luke and Michael

By now the ambulance guy is telling everybody that they can meet us at the hospital. Ash and Alley hop into the ambulance with me and we drive to the hospital. I just cant wait til this night is over.

HI guys I will try and make my chapters longer and I will try and update more ive been sick all day so sorry if this was terrible but thanks for reading Lot's of love


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