Fate and Destiny

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A/N: WASSUP ALL MAH HOMIES!?!?!?  So this is it. The prequel we've all been waiting for.  And by we I mean me.  So enjoy!

Sqaisheys POV


I got into my car and drove to work.  When I arrived at the diner I clocked in and tied my apron around my waist. Then my friend Netty stopped me.

"Wait, Beth!" She called.

"Um, yeah?"

"My brother's coming over with his friends."


"I heard his relationship is getting a bit rocky. Just a few more fights, which happen a lot, and they'll be done." Netty said slyly while nudging me.

"Netty,  I told you, I'm not ready to start dating yet!"

"Ooh are we talking about Beth's love life?" Said my other friend Amy, appearing out of nowhere.

"Amy, do you think that Beth should meet my brother?"

"Yes. She is a fan of his youtube channel so why not?"

"See Beth? Even AMY thinks you should meet him.  And they broke up last year!"

"Can we not talk about this?" Amy said slowly turning red.

"Can we start working now?" I asked.

"Fine," Netty said half heartedly,"but you HAVE to at least say hi."

"Alright, alright, I'll say hi to your brother."

Stampy's POV


Squid pulled up to the diner. "Why are we doing this again?" Tom asked me.

"Because my sister thinks that we're desperate for love and she wants to set me up with some girl she knows. Even though Melanie and I are just a bit rocky."

"THEN WHY DID YOU TAKE US ALONG WITH YOU!?!?!? And don't say you're 'rocky' you're practically done with eachother." Squid asked looking quite angry.

"Because I don't want to do this alone."

Third person POV


Little did Beth and Joseph know, fate and destiny would change their world forever.

A/N: hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter.  Tell me what you guys think in the comments below.  You might be wondering why I updated so early.  It's cause I have no school!!! IM SO HAPPY!!!'  Now bye, I'm gonna watch SkyDen now. BAIIII!!! 💋

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