The End

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Third Person POV

It had been two months since that terrible accident and Sqaishey had just gotten out of her coma. Sqaishey had been waiting for this moment. To see, to move, to live, to love. In this time Netty and Tom had finally confessed their love of eachother. And nothing could tear them apart.

Stampy's POV

I waited in the hospital lobby with the MAC. "Ooh it's been so long since we've seen Sqaishey!"  Rosie squealed.

"Erm. Do you think she'll still remember us?"  Netty asked.

"Of course you silly goose!" Amy laughed, "She was in a coma, she didn't get amnesia."

"That's what we THINK."  Squid said firmly.

"I think we're just making Stamps nervous." Tom said, his arm around Netty.

"Yes, yes you are. Now shut up." I said, through clenched teeth.

Then a nurse came out with Sqaishey. She ran to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Sqaishey." I whispered in her ear.

"I have one thing I have to say to you."

"What is it?"

"Yes, I will marry you." And we kissed. I never realized how much she meant to me.

Sqaisheys POV

Stampy and I were finally getting out happy ending. I loved him. I loved life. I loved the MAC. I loved everything. I never knew how valuable life was. We were in love. And for the first time I finally knew what love was.


A/N:  hey guys!  If you haven't already read Keeping up with Sqampy!  But if you have I have a sequel for you guys. You know after kuws???  So look out for it. Now see you later. Peace out and ship Sqampy!!!

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