The Thing They Must Never Know

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A/N: Hi. Okay, it's just rude not to say hi back. UH! Okay I have another thing to tell you. It's the secret to keeping all things balenced. Sqaishey: Is it Pumpkin Pie!? Me: NO GOSH WHY DO U THINK IT'S ALWAYS PIE!!!!!!!!!????????????? The secret of the balance to my life is: Sqampy. Everyday @ 2:00 I wait for sqaishey's vid. @ 3:00 I panic because Stampy hasn't uploaded yet. @ 3:15 I realize that Stampy just uploaded and watch it. @ 3:30 I go and watch more SkyDen. So anyway, let's do this!


Netty's POV

I looked at my brother. He was hiding something. I just knew it...

Stampy's POV

I wanted to keep my secret, a secret, but I hate lying to my friends. When we got inside I gathered them. "Guys," I said, "I've been meaning to tell you something. I have a girlfriend. Mel and I broke up a few days ago and I met someone else. It's a bit confusing but yeah." I blurted out quickly. I didn't dare look at them.

"What!?" Netty yelped, "Why, didn't you tell me???"

"I didn't want you to know..."

Sqaishey's POV

What? A girlfriend? I felt my heart shattering into thousands, and thousands of pieces. I also felt hate, anger, and pain. Pain. Pain. That's all I felt. "Wh-who is it?" I asked.

"Well, her name's Kristen, and she's from America."

Netty's POV

I took Sqaishey to the back of the room. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry, Beth. I didn't know that he had a girlfriend.

Sqaishey's POV

I knew it... I still stayed at Netty's house. But, the whole night, I heard the sound of heartbreak.  I was stupid, stupid to think her would ever love me.

A/N: Hey! Sorry it's quite sad. But whatever, I'll update soon

The Making Of Sqampy (2/4)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن