Ch. 11- How Do You Do This!?

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A/N: Wassup all my fangirls or boys...  Do boys read this story???  So anyway enough dawdling.  Enjoy!

Netty's POV

There was a lot of awkward tension in the air.  "Erm.  Minecraft XBox, anyone?"

"Never played Minecraft," Kristen said.

We all turned around and faced her with shocked faces, "YOU'VE NEVER PLAYED MINECRAFT!?" We all screamed,

"I play, just not XBox." Sqaishey pointed out.

"I'll teach you," said my brother.

"Ok." She said.

"What is Minecraft, and how in the world do you play it?"  Kristen asked.

"Hmm, Squid can you teach Kristen ?"  Stampy said.

"Fine," Squid grumbled.

So we all played.  Sqaishey was running around going, "UGH! Joe, you're not helping! What are you talking about?  What wobbly stick? Oh, this one? Oh okay.  Erm sorry I yelled at you.  Wait what why am I crouched?"  Kristen was a little upset that Stampy wasn't the one teaching her, but face it.  My brother still loves Beth.  And that's that.

Sqaishey's POV

Stampy was trying to teach me how to play minecraft on the XBox.  It wasn't working.  "Okay," he told me, "open your inventory, press that wobbly stick over there."  Okay, I don't see a wobbly stick.

Stampy's POV

Teaching Sqaishey how to play on the XBox was hard.  But it was worth it.  What can I say. She was cute. I thought about my life, was I in love with Kristen, or did I really love Sqaishey.  There was so many possibilities to choose.

A/N:  Okay so yeah.  I'll see you soon and yeah.  Um join me for the next chapter.  BYEEEEE. Also if you don't mind, comment on how I could improve this story.  😋 bye!

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