Ch. 14- Packing (Is She Falling For Him???)

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A/N: HEY HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAZZUP!? Now I don't know if you need tickets for EuroGamer or not... I think you do. Let's assume you do. If you have been to EuroGamer, tell me if you need tickets, cause this chappie has EuroGamer in it. See you L8R, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sqaishey's POV

It was time to pack my bags for EuroGamer! I had my ticket, clothes, a bunch of stuff to record videos, and of course, my little Sqaishey figure! It's been a few days since 'Sqampy' has been a thing and frankly, it's weird being in a relationship. I haven't dated since I was in High School, but that's not something I want to bring up.

Netty's POV

I don't know why, but I think I'm in love with Tom.  But I don't have time for love. I'm to busy meddling with my brother's. I suppose I could date AFTER the Sqampy project. But, it's time for fun and games. Time to pack for EuroGamer!!!!

TomoHawk's POV

Am I in love with Netty? Do I really love her? Would I do anything to be with her? The answer to everyone of these questions was yes. I think I'll ask her out later. Right now she's trying to set up her brother with Sqaishey.

Squid's POV

Alright! EuroGamer! The only time where I can beat Stampy and gloat in front of bazillions of people. But this year will be different, Nicole's coming with me. And I can't wait to teach her to play minecraft.

A/N: DUN DUN DUH!!!!! What do I mean by that??? That's for you to find out. Join in next time on TMOS!!!

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