Chapter Three: Don't let it Get you

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© WrittingNinja INSANITY

Please tell me if you see any mistakes in this! Thank you!


Amelia walked silently down the dark London streets. The roads still glistened with evening rain, and the lamps still burned brightly. The sun probably wasn't far from the horizon, and as she walked down the lonely streets, Amelia wondered if this would end up like a fairytale.

Would she ever see the sun again? Would she be locked away and forced to stay against her will? The thoughts frightened her just a bit, but reality took over. This was not some story that people could tell little kids. It was simple reality.

She was about to start babysitting a child for no pay, but for her debt to be forgotten. She would see the sun again, and she would see her mother again.

With those thoughts calming her mind, she stopped in front of her old home.

She looked at its simple features carefully, making sure the image was burned into her memory. The red bricks were a bit faded, but still stood out against the brown houses beside it. A small window curved at the front, showing a window seat just inside. The grass was losing its color and the air was still crisp.

It made her think of her mother, Maria. The thought of her clumsy mother made her smile a bit. It was that finally push that made her walk to the front door finally. She took small steps to the door, making sure she would remember the small home she grew up in. The light brown paint on the door was peeling away to show its natural dark wood. Amelia raised her slim hand and gently knocked on the door.

     It took a moment, but the door finally opened to reveal the smile of Maria. Maria's smile brightened as she saw her daughter, knowing she was back always pleased her. She wondered what news she would tell her now.

As she really got to see Amelia's face, her smile faded. Her daughter looked troubled, and she could see possible sorrow in her eyes. As she looked closer, she almost thought it was regret that she saw in those green eyes of hers.

"Amelia, what's got you so troubled?" She asked. The worry in her voice was enough to make Amelia regret this even more.

Amelia shook her head, dismissing her mother's worry. She knew Maria would be pleased to hear the news she brought this time. With that in mind, she forced a smile through her regrets and began to put on a show.

"Dear mother," She began, taking her mother's frail hands into her own. The tears that escaped her eyes were manipulated by her expression and turned into tears of happiness.

"I was asked to live with a nice, young man. All of our hard work has finally paid off." She continued the greatest show she'd ever give, even through the tears that spilled over her pale cheeks.

"I will live with him, and show that I can be a good wife. I will show him that I love him." She said through tears of sorrow, and a painted smile.

Maria watched her daughter as she cried. She would have fallen for her act, but she was the one who raised this girl. She knew her daughter too well and could see through her easily. She gently moved her hand from her daughter's and cupped her cheek. She could feel her own tears starting to form in her eyes.

"My sweet girl... you... you mean so much to me..." She told her baby girl quietly. The thought of sending her off like this made her regret sending her daughter out tonight at all. If she would have known what would happen, she would have stopped her tonight. She dried a few of her daughter's tears from her cheeks with her thumb.She moved the hair that escaped the hold of her band away from her face. She wanted to see those beautiful green eyes once more.

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