Chapter Five: The Rabid Threat

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© Lynn Falcon, INSANITY

To the side you can see Amelia Walker, and visit the new facebook group for Insanity! Why join? Well because your input could be used in the story! Also be the first to see new art for the series! (Like... Pictures of Dante and Leo?)

Also I plan on changing the title from The Rabid Threat to something else... so If you guys have an idea just let me know in the comments! I will dedicate the next chapter to you if your title is picked!


Dante stepped in between Leo and Amelia, seeing how angry she was and how tense he looked. He almost smiled at the looks they held on each others faces. Bringing her here must have been a good choice if she already had Leo's feathers ruffled. He expected her to be no longer  a problem when he got back tomorrow.

"What's got you two so worked up?" He asked, seeing Amelia shoot a glare in his direction. She probably didn't forgive him yet for the incident that morning. Leo just huffed, walking down the hallway and towards the library.

"Oh I'll tell you what has me 'worked up' is you Crowley boys having no respect for a woman! Did you ever have a mother? Would you ever treat her this way?" She snapped, not realizing how painful it was for Dante to remember his mistakes.

"Of course we had a mother... she died along with the rest of our family in a house fire." He said simply, making sure that he kept his emotions from his face. He knew she was a gambler, and knew he needed to be very careful around her.

Amelia stopped the rant she had planned. She didn't realize that something so horrid had happened to their mother or even their whole family in general. She always thought they might be dead, but the family? Did that mean they had more siblings as well?

"I'm sorry . . ." She said quietly, calming herself before she could hurt anymore feelings. She even wasn't sure if she did hurt his feelings, it was hard to tell with these boys. No wonder Dante beat her in the card game that got her here.

"It is all right... You were oblivious to our misfortunes." he said, looking at Abel as he came to stand by them. "That's right..." He said, remembering why he had come this way. "Go on ahead and show Miss Walker to her room, Abel." He said, walking past them to where his study was.

Abel nodded to his master and smiled slightly at Amelia. "Please follow me, Miss Walker." He said, turning around and leading her down the halls. Amelia wasn't sure what to make of this. She learned that The Crowley family died in a house fire, but didn't know if they were the only children of that family.

She made it a goal of hers to figure out the secrets of the Crowley family.


Dante walked into his study, sighing quietly as he took in the room. His desk was just as he left it a few days ago, papers scattered and ink staining the dark wood.

He walked over to the chair and righted itself, remembering why it laid on its side before. He had gotten angry with the council and threw his chair aside in frustration. Then he went out to find a snack for Leo.

Taking his seat, he grabbed parchment and his quill to begin writing.

Dear Council,

I have encountered an attempt in the murder of myself and my brother. I know my servants would not turn against me, due to them being bound to me... So I would like to know who did this and why. Expect me this evening, because I refuse to put this matter to the side.

From, Lord Crowley

He put the letter in an envelope before sealing it shut with wax. The family crest molded the wax, forming the broken butterfly wrapped in thorn covered rose vines.

Insanity © Lynn Falcon 2013Where stories live. Discover now