Chapter Eight: The First Move

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Amelia knew the moment she walked outside that she was a bit out of it. The bar she had just left had been so polite with on the house drinks. She knew she should get back to ease Abigale of her worries, but she kept thinking of when she would get this chance again. She knew that she would probably never get the chance to leave the estate again, and this was her last chance to be out in London.

Amelia sighed, knowing that if Abigale didn't tell Dante, Abel sure would. She finally made the choice to go back so the punishment for leaving wouldn't be so bad. She walked the dark streets, feeling only a bit out of it as her mind began to clear slightly. She did realize after a moment that she was not where she thought she was.

The street she took was empty and dark, looking like exactly the place that a crazed murderer would make his move... the thought of this sent a chill down her spine as she backed away from the eerie street. She ran right into what she thought was a wall, but walls were not suppose to grab your waist and lift you up.

"Well if it isn't a little street rat..." Amelia could smell the strong scent of liquor way before the man even opened his mouth. She gagged, pushing him away from her and standing her ground. The man chuckled, looking over at another man that looked a little bit younger, but no less drunk.

"She came out of her sewer to play with us huh? Isn't that nice of her." The younger man said, a slur to his words that Amelia found very unattractive. She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and stepping away from them again. 

"Sorry to misinform you two, but I am actually on my way home. If you'll excuse me-" She threw her arms up to cover her face as the older man threw a glass bottle at her. She ducked and then listened to it shatter behind her.

The man laughed, stepping closer as he grabbed her once again. "Rats shouldn't talk like that to a man." He snapped, going for her face with his ugly lips puckered in such a way she nearly lost her last meal right there. That's when she finally decided that she wouldn't get out of this alone, so she tried to draw attention to herself by screaming.

She only hoped someone would hear on this dark, empty street.


Leo was walking back towards the estate, still feeling he ache in his gums and the twisting pain of hunger in his stomach. No matter how hard he tried to cure it, there wasn't a single person that he wanted to actually use as his feast. He just didn't have the nerve to lure some innocent woman out into the darkness of night and actually take the life from her.

It was strange that he suddenly felt something towards the people around him now. There was nothing special about any of them, in fact he hated them all equally and wouldn't usually second guess himself after talking with a victim.

The fact that he just couldn't though made him wonder how long he would last like this. Something was making him actually think about things that he didn't usually think about before, and it frightened him. What could have possibly made him actually think about what he was going to do?

As he walked down the cold streets of London, he began to think back to what had changed in the recent weeks. There was only one thing that could have caused such a change in him, and he was afraid to admit it.

Amelia, the girl Dante had brought for him to feast on while he was away on business was the only thing that was different now. Her presence and, he had to admit, personality were having some kind of affect on him. He wasn't sure what yet, but when he was around her there was just something in the back of his mind that wanted to reach out and unlock the doors to the walls he kept around himself.

As he thought about her he noticed he could hear her voice. "Wait!" She called after him, not understanding that the reason he had to leave was because he needed a drink, but couldn't get it from her. He was so quick to getting out that he didn't even explain to her that he wouldn't take long. His trip out into the world was cut short when he found himself actually thinking before taking action.

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