Chapter Seven: The Beasts' Feast

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The steam of Amelia's tea swirled as Abigale poured it. Amelia hated how Abigale had to do everything for her. She tried several days ago to do things on her own, but Abigale broke down into tears when Amelia had brought it up. 

"Milady you have done so much for me, please don't stop me from returning my thanks with service." She cried, sitting on the ground at her feet and gripping Amelia's dress. "Please, milady." She said, tears streaming down her cheeks. 

The event made Amelia wonder what she could have possibly done to get the servant girl to act this way. What had she done that made Abigale want to serve her? She had only thought of one thing, and that was when she helped her tend to a small wound she had gotten while getting wood for the fire a few weeks ago.

Abigale finished pouring the tea and bowed her head slightly to Amelia, waiting for a response. Amelia took the tea and sipped it, relaxing completely. 

The tea was exactly what she needed. It coursed through her veins and sparked an energy in her that she desperately needed. It woke her up, made her more aware of everything around her. The tea was truly the thing that she lived for, thrived on. Tea was what kept her sane in this crazy world she was thrown into.

Amelia smiled at Abigale, nodding. "It's perfect as always, Abigale." She placed the cup back down on the small plate she held, watching as Abigale's eyes brightened at the praise she got. "Thank you milady... I'm glad that you like it." She smiled, bowing her head slightly before picking up the silver tea tray.

Amelia looked out the window, wondering what she was going to do today. The sky was gray and gloomy as ever so there was no point in going outside. She sighed, her breath kissing the glass and slowly disappearing into the outside world.

"Lady Walker," Abigale said quickly, as if she had forgotten something. "Lord Crowley has left the estate and has said he will not be returning for a few days. He wanted to remind you of your duties of caring for Master Leonardo." 

Amelia sighed, shaking her head. Of course she remembered. How could she forget that she sold her soul to the devil and in return, had to babysit the little demon of a brother he had? She noticed that Abigale was still standing in the doorway, probably waiting for a response from her. She forced a smile and looked at her.

"Of course, how could I forget?" She said a bit too cheerfully. Abigale seemed to pick up on the bit of sarcasm in her voice and nodded. "If you need me, I am just a bell away, milady." She reminded before bowing her head again and walking off.

Amelia sighed, looking out the window again. She couldn't believe how trapped she felt here. "I guess this is what I deserve... I am finally serving my sentence for gambling huh?" She wasn't expecting anyone to respond to her question, but of course when was she truly ever alone in this house?

"You're not the only one serving a sentence you know." Leo said from behind her. His voice was low and almost kind, startling Amelia to the point where she jumped out of her seat. She turned swiftly to confront him on yet another feared encounter when she noticed the slight red tinge to his eyes. 

"My God, Leo... Have you been drinking?" She asked, walking up to him to examine his eyes more closely. Leo stiffened as she placed a hand on his cheek, quickly pushing her arm away. "I wish." He snorted, looking down at Amelia.

His eyes were not only tinged with red, but the veins seemed to be a bit darker, almost black. this was something Amelia had never seen before. She wondered exactly what Leo had gotten himself into. She ignored his attempts at trying to keep her away, and again grabbed his cheek so she could get a better look of him.

Leo stiffened again as she got closer to smell him, probably sniffing for a trace of alcohol. He didn't try to push her away this time though, he knew there would be no reason for it. She would just continue to follow him around until she knew what was wrong with him. He knew though that he could never tell her the truth.

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