Chapter Eleven: Insanity

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© Lynn Falcon 2013 Insanity

"You said what?" Abigale gave Amelia a strange look. She nearly dropped her famous Abigale tea while pouring it into Amelia's cup. Amelia sighed, knowing Abigale would have been surprised by this news.

"I told him I'd have to think about it..." Amelia still didn't like the look she was getting from Abigale, so she rolled her eyes and put the tea down. "Abigale, what was I supposed to say?" She finally asked.

"How about, No!" She put her hands on her hips and stuck one of them out in a very sassy way. "Miss Amelia, you can't go getting married to a Crowley. They are no good people I tell you, and you shouldn't be getting yourself all mixed up in something like that!" She shook her head, and her whole speech made Amelia laugh. She hugged Abigale and smiled.

"Abigale, you truly can brighten my days. I'm glad you're my friend." Abigale's smile was interrupted by a knock on the door. Abel opened it and cleared his throat.

"Lady Walker, Mister-" Miles burst through the door before Abel could even begin introducing him as a guest. 

"You act as if I'm a stranger here! Amel, come over and give ye friend a hug already!" His bright brown eyes were wide with excitement that Amelia noticed was almost always there, no matter the situation. He threw his arms around her and embraced her tightly with one of those 'I'm Miles Harper' hugs that squeezed the life out of her.

"I heard the news! I can't believe ol' Danny lad asked for ye hand!" His smile faded to a more sarcastic one. "No seriously, no one was saw that one coming. Everyone is in an uproar! The name across London now is Amelia Crowley, Lady of the Crowley Estate! The whole town is acting as if you've been hitched already!" The pure amazement in Miles' tone was confusing Amelia. Who was everyone, and why were they so surprised in the first place?

"It's just a question, and a question I haven't given an answer to. Everyone can calm down. I don't even know if I will actually accept it..." She admitted. She wasn't sure what would happen in this kind of situation. If she told him no, she would be on the streets in no time. At least she would be free of this horrid family like she wanted... or did she want it? After what happened yesterday in the Library with Leo...

She shook her head. Her heart was racing already with just the memory. She sighed and looked at Miles. Him and Abigale were giving her a very, very strange look. Abigale's was more surprised and Miles was a sarcastic, giddy grin... but they both knew something that Amelia didn't.

"What?" She asked, taking a sip of her tea and staring at them both with her own sarcastic look. Miles looked at Abigale with that giddy grin of his and Abigale just huffed, shaking her head. Miles laughed and jumped up, grabbing Amelia's hands and smiling brighter than the sun.

"You've already fallen for it haven't you?" His question surprised her as a guilty feeling swept up her heart. Then she felt confused, because she wasn't exactly sure what he meant.

"Excuse me?" Miles jumped around and continued to look extremely happy. He even pulled Abigale into a little dance that she almost seem to know.

"Abigale! Our Amelia is in love! She's in love!" He cheered, spinning Abigale around several times before he hugged her tightly. "Amelia Walker is in Love, and she is too ignorant to see it."

Abigale laughed slightly, but quickly bit her lip to stop it. Amelia went to speak, but then realized what he said. 

"Ignorant? I am not! I understand completely..." She slapped her palm to her face, shaking her head. "That's not what I-"

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