get to know damien afton

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Uh, hi reader. I'm Damien blaze Afton, and I almost killed my brother. I have a curse on me, basically I'm a torch fox or as you 2021 kids call him "Grim Foxy" which is a badass name not going to lie. Anyway here's some facts about myself.

1. I am numeric dyslexic

2. When I was alive I had seizures

3: im trans, I was called Danielle but I was secretly changed at age 5

4. I hate ennard no mater who it is, I don't know who ennard is yet but when I find out who killed Mike I will kill them

5. I am scared of foxes

6: I was originally going to be called william Jr.

7: I am allergic to Ink

8: I had a metal arm

9: im dating lacie benton

10: grey is my BFF and my wing man

11: i am suspicious of mr Lawrence, he has a picture of the founders of candy's burgers and fries but he doesn't look like the guy who likes that stuff

12: secret gay

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