Leon Chapter 2

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We just had our entrance ceremony. I sit in the dorm I call my own. How am I supposed to proccess this? A killing game? There's no way this is real right? This has to be a dream! I take off my shoes and put them on the table. I take out my hairpin and place it next to them. I do the same with my sweater. I hear a ringing from the TV.

"Ahem, it is 10pm therefore it is now night time. The doors to the dining hall will soon be locked and entry at that point is prohibited! Good night! Don't let the bed-bugs bite!" Monokuma said on the speaker. I plop down on my bed, and soon enough, fell into a restless sleep.


I put on my clothes and tie on my shoes. I walk into the hall and accidentally bump into Leon.

"Kya!" I exclaim as I fall back into my room.

"Oh! Sorry Y/n, I didn't mean to bump into you!" He exclaims reaching a hand out to me. I quickly take it and he helps me up.

"Thanks Leon! Did you sleep well?" I ask. He looks away.

"Not really, I had too much on my mind," He says glaring at the wall.

"Aw, that's not good, maybe I could brew you some tea tonight and it'll help you sleep?" I ask, gesturing to the dining hall. 

"I would like that," Leon Smiles.

"Great! It's a date then!" I exclaim. I feel warmth rising to my cheeks.

"Isn't it a little weird to call it that when you're a girl and I'm a guy? " He asks.

"Maybe, but who cares? We're friends, so why does it matter?" I respond crossing my arms.

"That's true," He smiles.

"Well, we don't want to be late for breakfast now do we? Last one there is a rotten egg!" I call out, running to the dining hall.

"Hey wait- That's not fair!" He exclaims, running after me. 


During breakfast all anyone talks about is getting out. Sure I want to get out, but I wouldn't mind staying for a while. The world sucks anyway. I eat cookies for breakfast. We end up going to explore the school. 

"Like I Would Have Time For Love," ~ (Byakuya Togami X Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now