Chapter 14 (Bad ending)

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"Oh! But Y/n, last night I saw you go to Kiyotaka's Room at midnight!" Celeste says.

"W-what?! That's crazy! How could have I have been out if my room?! I was with Byakuya in his room!" I yell. I'm not letting myself die, not like this.

"...We both know that isn't true Y/n..." Byakuya says.

"B-Byakuya?!" I yell. How could he turn me in?! I saved him! I'm his girlfriend!

"I know you killed Taka Y/n..." he says. I freeze. The guy I've loved for as long as I can remember is turning on me.


Soon enough we cast the votes. An unanimous vote for me.

"Heh..." I walk up to Byakuya.

"I'm sorry Y/n... I'm so so so so so so sorry..." he says. I hug him and give him a kiss.

"I get it Byakuya..." I say holding his hands.

"Byakuya, once I'm dead, move on, forget about me, okay?" I ask him. I slip Leon's ring off my finger and put it in Byakuya's hands.

"Take care of this for me okay? It was Leon's..." I say. Byakuya's eyes are filled with tears. he closes his eyes and a tear spills out of both eyes. He nods.

"Good!" I say cheerfully.

"Well everyone, I guess this is goodbye! Don't miss me too much got it?!" I exclaim with a smile on my face. I feel the tears threatening to pour out of my eyes.

"It's Punishment time~!" Monokuma yells. I close my eyes.

"Goodbye, Byakuya," I say. I feel ropes wrap around my arms and legs, then I am hoisted up and onto a stage. Monokuma controls me to perform ballet like a puppet, but then, he starts to move my arms and legs into impossible positions and I hear my bones break, before I know it another rope has swung down around my neck- god it hurts, why is the crowd booing me? I- I don't wanna die... I wanna continue living with Byakuya and the rest. It hurts it- it hur-

Leon... He's right there...

Byakuya POV

"Goodbye Byakuya..." I read her lips as she mutters my name.

I watch as her limbs get ripped off. I am horrified, I feel the tears falling from my face, I head back to my room without even giving a fuck what everyone else thinks. Y/n is gone, dead, forever, there's no seeing her again. The moment I'm back in my room I punch the wall. Why Y/n?! Why-

A knock breaks my thoughts. I open the door to reveal Makoto.

"Togami-kun you're bleeding!" He exclaims taking my hand.

"Get away from me Makoto-"

"NO! I wanna help you! So just let me! I know... I know you're hurting... But just let me help you!" he exclaims. I've never seen him like this. I sigh and give in. He bandages my hands.

"I love you..." Makoto mutters just loud enough for me to hear it.


Bad End


Hello there! Welcome to the end of one of two endings, I would like to say, thank you for reading! Second I would like to say, yes in this book Naegami does happen. And three, THANK YOU ALL FOR 19K READS! I never ever expected something like this to happen to me! Thank you all! And I hope you stick around for the second ending! - Lumanara

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