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Everyone gets to the church. It was only madison, hayden, and her dad, when I got there. I was happy because I would be able to talk to madison for a little before church started.

"Hey Madison."


"What time does church start?"

"Umm I don't know, I have to go find Hayden because it's starting soon."

Everyone starts to get there and they go to their seats. My family and I all went to the back of the church to find our seats. We ended up sitting behind Madison and  Hayden. They kept passing notes to eachother but I couldn't read what they said and I didn't want to be noisy. After sitting there for awhile I end up dropping my phone. It slides under Hayden's chair and hits his feet. He looks down at his feet and picks up my phone.

"Who's phone is this?"

"Oh that's mine, sorry." I say as I grab the phone out of his hand.

Madison gets up and starts going over to William. Before I got back to my seat she was sitting in it.

"What are you doing." I ask in a annoyed voice.

"Go sit with Hayden."

I roll my eyes at her before going over to hayden. I sit down and he looks over at me and gives me a weird look. I hated sitting next to him.

"Where did madison go."

"She took my spot and now I have to sit here."


I look over at him to see him texting a girl named heather? Like is that the heather I know? I mean it's his life so he can text anyone he wants but he's in Madison and I's friend group so he shouldn't really talk to her.

I look up to see if heather was texting him and I see she was. What would they be talking about?

"Hey Hayden look at this." I say as I hand him my phone.

It was just a meme but I wanted to be friends even though I didn't like him. I mean he isn't bad I just don't like him for some reason. I'm sure we all had that person we just didn't like.

"Oh I have a meme to show you." He says

We end up showing eachother memes threw out the whole service and we were trying so hard not to laugh at them. It was just like a try not to laugh challenge but not.

After the service we get told that we're going to watch a movie since the food wasnt finished and they didn't know what else to do. We had about ten minutes before the movie started  so people  were just walking around talking to people. I went out side because that's where my mom was and I had to ask her a question.

I get outside to the porch and I start to go upstairs of the porch. Before I was up William distracts me and starts talking to me.

"Hey scarlet."

"What do you want?"

"Do you know where madison is?"

"No, why do you want to know?"

"I need to ask her something."

"I know where she is but I'm not telling you til you tell me why you want to talk to her."

"I'm going to ask her out."


"Now where is she?"

"I don't know, just wanted you to tell me." I say as I give him a smile.

I walk back into the church because the movie was about to start. While I was walking up the stairs to my seat Hayden stops me and ask me if I wanted to sit with him and heather. Of course I said yes because I knew heather didn't like me.

We get over to the seats and before I got there I ended up tripping. Before I was about to hit the ground Hayden grabs my arm.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine, thank you."

We both smile at eachother. Heather was watching the whole time and I could see she was jealous because I was talking and sitting next to him. But I don't care if she's jealous.

I sit down right by him and we start talking to eachother. He didn't talk to heather once because he was too distracted by me. I was actually starting to like him. He seemed funny and he was actually not being shy around me.

We kept pushing eachother around after the movie and every time I would push him he would go into the crowd of people and I would
Just laugh at him while he try's to get out.

"What a loser you are."

"Shut up!" He yells as he jumps on top of me.

We both fall to the ground and we both lay there laughing our heads off. I look up to see heather and Clair standings above us.

"Can I help you?" I say

"I need to talk to Hayden."

"Ok." I say as I stand up from the ground.

I start to walk away to give them privacy. Before I was gone Hayden grabs my hand.

"Wait, were sitting together and I don't want to have to look for you." He says as he smiles at me.

Hayden and heather start talking to eachother. I was trying to act like I wasnt paying attention because I didn't want heather to get mad at me but I couldn't help but listen.

"Hayden will you maybe want to go out with me?"

Before I know it I'm laughing my head off. I didn't mean to laugh but I just did it. They all stop and they look at me. Hayden ends up laughing with me.

"No sorry." He says as we start to walk away

We couldn't stop laughing but we both felt bad for laughing. I knew she felt embarrassed but I mean she deserves it.

We get into the gym where tables were and where we were going to eat. In the middle of the gym is where Hayden, madison, William, maverick, and I all sat. We normally sit with more people but they didn't have many chairs at the tables so we could only fit so many.

"So William, did you ask?"

"Ask what?"

"You know."

"Oh yeah no I didn't."

"Ok, madison will you go out with William?"

Everyone pauses and we all stare at eachother. I look over at Hayden and we both start laughing. The other three looked at us like we were some crazy people and I mean we are. After a couple minutes Hayden and I finally calmed down. We both look at madison and Hayden says "so what's your answer?"


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