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"Hurry up Madison!!" I say while going out the door.

"I'm coming."

It was finally the day we go to the doctors and he tells us the gender, well he tells me since William and Madison want to find out with everyone else.

We get to the hospital and I was jumping everywhere really. I was so excited to find out if I was going to have a nephew or niece, I'm hoping for a niece.

"Hello madison, you can take a seat right here." The doctor says

We were there for awhile before the nurse comes in with the paper that had the baby's gender on it. She walks over to me and gives the paper to me. I was holding the gender of the baby in my hand and I just wanted to open it but William and Madison would know the gender by my reaction.


Scarlet: I'm on my way to your house so we can see the baby's gender.

Hayden: I'm finding out with you?

Scarlet: I have to tell someone.

I go straight to Hayden's house after I got home. I just couldn't wait any longer to find out the gender.

"Hello! Hayden?" I say while opening his front door.

I look around the house to see no one there, he must be in his bedroom. I go upstairs into his bedroom and the door was locked. He never locks his door so I don't know why it would be locked all of a sudden.

"Hayden open the door please. Hayden, hello?"

He wouldn't open the door at all and I started freaking out. My dad taught me when I was younger how to open a locked door so I knew how to open it. I grabbed the stuff I needed and I open the door. He wasn't there.

"Hayden please don't do this if your here."

He has a bathroom in his room which the door was closed so I decided to look in there to see if he was in there. I slowly open the door to see him on the floor all bloody.

"Oh my gosh, hayden!"

I run over to him and I look at his arms to see cuts. I had no clue what to do and I was just in shock, he was passed out too.

I run down stairs and I grab some towels to clean some of the blood up. While I was cleaning it I called his mom too.


"Yes what's wrong?"

"You need to come home." I say while I start balling my eyes out.

"Scarlet what's wrong?"

"Hayden tried killing himself!"

"Oh my- is he ok?"

"I don't know he's passed out on the floor and there's blood everywhere!"

I hang up and I try to wake him up.

"Hayden please wake up, I don't know what I'll do if your gone, please!"

I kept shaking him but he wouldnt budge. I call 911 and they take awhile to get there. At that moment I thought he was gone. I could barely see by how much I was crying.

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