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1 month later

I'm back to normal and it feels great. Maverick got back together with piper after realizing he did fall for piper and was actually in love with her as he thought he wasn't because Monica told him he was in love with her and not piper. I don't like Monica.

I'm on my way to pick up Hayden and then go to Madison and williams house for dinner, I don't know why they asked us to come but they did and there's food so I'm not complaining.

"Hello!" I say as Hayden and I walk into the house.

"Oh hi! Hold isabelle please." Madison says as she gives Madison to me.

Of course Hayden takes her from me after two seconds but it didn't bother me. I see isabelle all the time and he rarely does.

We had tacos and it was pretty good for Madison cooking it. She never cooked until she started dating William. And now their married with a daughter so I guess she has to start getting better at cooking then when she was single with no kid.

It's morning and I went to school. There was a football game that day so the whole school was planning it and we didn't do much school because of it. I don't know why my school takes it as such a big deal but I mean whatever.

I didn't get to see Hayden that much that day since he had to do stuff for his football team mates. I sat in the gym doing homework with piper. We just talked really, I don't think we got more then 4 problems done.

It's around 5 pm and the game was about to start. William came big Madison didn't because she was watching isabelle and no one was able to watch her. I mean she could've brought isabelle but I guess it would be too loud for her.

The game went really good, we won. There was also a talent show so I was excited to see what people would sing or do.

"Ok so we have a talent show and the first one up is, heather cook!"

"Oh my gosh! Hi everyone, I'm singing this songs called I actually don't remember the name but I'm just going to sing it for you!" She walks over to the middle of the stage and then points at Hayden. "This is for you! But when our fingers interlock, can't deny, cant deny, you're worth it! But after all this time I'm still into you."

"What the-" I say as I stand up from my chair and walk over to the stage.

"Oh hey scarlet!"

"Do you not understand the word taken?"

"No I do."

"Well then Hayden's taken by me, and only me. So back off."

"No! I'm in love with him."

"Well sweetie he's in love with me not you so just move on."

"If he loved you and he wouldn't of dated Clair."

"He said he hated it, and I wasn't even with him so I can't be mad at him for that."

"We all know you're slowly dying inside because of it."


"See, you're walking away because you know it's true."

"No, I'm walking away so I can't hear your snobby voice." I say as I walk off the stage.

I go over to Hayden and he grabs my hand and takes me to the parking lot. I don't know what he was going to do, I know it's nothing bad but what if he's mad that I did that. I mean I was just trying to put heather in her place.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because she has no right to flirt with you!"

"She's still going to do it even if you try doing something."

"So? One day she'll realize how stupid it is."

"She's not doing anything stupid, I mean you flirted with me while I was with Riley."

"You never said you were."

" i was."

"Well if you really want to stand up for heather with everything then go ahead and date her!" I say as I start walking home.

He start walking towards me then just stops and looks over at me. He would look away but by the time he couldn't see me he got Into his car. Of course rain has the worst timing so it starting pouring out. I was soaked in two seconds and it was freezing out.

"Scarlet get in the car."


"Come on!"

"I'm not riding with you!"

"You're really mad about this?"

"Yeah I'm mad! You're standing up for some one who is trying to get us to break up so she can have you."

"Well being mean to someone isn't a good habit to have."

"Whatever hayden, just leave me alone until you realize what I'm saying."

I get home and I was soaked, I was the only one home. I went down stairs and I took a shower and got dress. I'm never home alone so it felt weird. I got the living room to myself and I normally never sit up there since everyone is there and I hate it when people are talking all the time even though I'm always talking.


Hayden: I'm sorry

Scarlet: yeah?

Hayden: yeah

Scarlet: alright

Hayden: do you forgive me?

Scarlet: no.

Hayden: what do I do?

Scarlet: actually apologize.

Who just apologizes over text when he knows where I live and doesn't even live that for away from me.

Hayden's POV.

The game ended and now the talent show was starting. I didn't know who was going to do something.

I look up from my phone to see heather going on to the stage. Oh no. She better not do what I think she's going to do.

Next thing I know she's pointing at me sing a song. Like I have a girlfriend stupid. After she was dont singing scarlet gets up and walks into the stage and starts yelling at her. I was kind of

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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