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Scarlet: no sorry.

I would never let someone who was in heathers friend group into mine, I mean I know I shouldn't be like that but the things heathers done I just don't want anyone else like that in my friend group again.

"Do you want to go to the park with William and I." Ask Madison

"No, thank you for asking though."


She walks out the bedroom and I could tell somethings was wrong with her. She's been acting weird for awhile now. It's just she does stuff but she looks tired and just wants to sleep all day and she rarely eats anymore.

Hayden had to go home to take a shower and his parents don't really like him being away all the time and I understand why. So it ended up just being me at the house for the rest of the day.

Buzz buzz


William: I know I'm going to sound so dumb right now but I need to talk to you about something.

Scarlet: ok?

William: I want to purpose to Madison.

Scarlet: you guys are still in school though.

William: yeah I know I want to do it after her eighteenth birthday.

Scarlet: isn't her birthday july second?

William: yeah and it's only like 3 months away.

Scarlet: whatever you choose to do I'll support you with it but just please really think about it, you might regret it one day.

William: thank you!

I couldn't believe my brother and bestfriend were probably going to be engaged. They were always perfect for eachother and I always knew they were probably going to get married but like it might be sooner then I thought it would be. I mean all I can do is just be happy for them if she says yes and I hope she does because I would love her to be my sister in-law.

It was the next day and I was finally feeling better and I guess I was able to go to school. Hayden picked me up for I don't know what reason because i could've rode with Madison and William, but I'm not complaining.

"Good morning." I say to Hayden as I get into his car.

"Ok, we have to go to the store to buy some stuff for William and Madison."


"William decided to purpose to her at the game tonight!"

"But she's not even an adult yet?"

"She will be soon and he just wanted to do it, and I mean a lot of people got engaged in highschool and worked out."

"Yeah I guess. When are we going to the store?"

"I was going to go now but I forgot we had school."

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