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It's been three months and hayden and I haven't talked. I'm pretty sure we aren't together anymore and it just doesn't feel right. I actually thought he was my soulmate but I mean he might not be and that's fine, I guess.

Ring ring ring

It's 5 am in the morning! Why would someone be calling me so late. I roll over and I grab my phone to see william calling me.


Madison is in labor and we need you at the hospital, now!

Ok I'm on my way.

I get out of bed and I get dress. I hurry up to the hospital and I go to Madison's room. She already started pushing and I felt like I was going to pass out after seeing some of it so I left the room and waited with my parents and Madison's parents. She turned eighteen and William and her have graduated. Their moving so fast but I mean what are you going to do about it?

After an hour the baby was finally born. I was the first to get to go in the room and see the baby. William and Madison didn't tell anyone the baby's name because they wanted it to be a surprise to everyone when they tell the name.

"She's so cute!" I say as Madison hands me the baby.

I can't believe I'm a aunt already. She was so pretty and I couldn't wait to hear the baby's name.

"Ok, William and I have decided to tell you the baby's name first."

"Wait really?"

"Yeah, her name is Isabelle rose."

"That's so cute!"

I didn't really like the name but it's their decision and I didn't want to ruin the moment. After being in there for awhile everyone else starts to come in. We pasted the baby around and then he came in. Yes Hayden. I didn't think I would see him for a long while but he was standing there. His brown hair and fluffy brown hair that I was in love with three months ago. I've missed him so much and just seeing him brought joy to me.

"Congrats William." Hayden says as he punches William in the arm.

"Thanks man."

Hayden walks over to Madison and she hands him Isabelle. He stood there a held her like he had the whole world in his hands, he's always loved kids so he was probably living like a king.

He held the baby for about ten minutes before giving the baby to William. He looks over at me and the at the ground.

Hayden's POV.

I get to the hospital to go see william and Madison's baby. I was hoping that scarlet wasn't there because I didn't really want to see her, I mean I did, I really really wanted to see her but I didn't know if she would believe me.

I walk into the room to see her standing there with the baby in her arms. She walks over at Madison and then looks over at me. William was next to me so I started talking to him so I wouldn't look over at scarlet.

"Crongrats William." I say as I punch him in the arm

"Thanks man."

I walk over to Madison and she hands me the baby. She was so cute, I've always wanted a baby and just holding her made my whole day better, actually last three months. I haven't been doing well since scarlet broke up with me. I've felt empty and like I lost the whole world, which I did. She's everything I wanted in a girl and now I don't have her. Just listen to my part of the story real quick.

So It was a break during school, maverick and piper asked me if I wanted to play basket ball and I agreed. We went in there and heather, Clair and Monica were sitting in the gym. Maverick asked them if they wanted to play basket ball and Monica agreed to play with us. We were playing and then piper and maverick had to go do something for the principal so it was just me and three girls. Heather and Clair said they had to use the bathroom so they ended up leaving too. I should've left when they all left but I didn't so it ended up just being me and Monica. She still wanted to play basketball so we did. While we were playing she throws the ball at the wall and then looks over. I looked over too,to see what she was looking at, I see scarlet standing there and I was about to ask if she wanted to play but then Monica kisses me. I tried pulling her away but she wouldn't let go. As soon as I got her to stop I ran after scarlet. She was yelling and balling her eyes out. I tried convincing her to stay but she left the school. She's been doing online school since and blocked me on everything so now I couldn't contact her.

So there's my part of story and I don't know how to convince scarlet that it's actually how it went. I know Monica isn't going to agree with me so there was no point on trying to get her to tell scarlet the truth.

I give Madison the baby back and then I walk over to the door. I look over at scarlet to see her looking at me. I look down at the ground so I couldn't make eye contact with her.

Scarlets POV.

I don't know why he looked away. Maybe he felt awkward or something.

I walk over to the door and I walk out. Hayden was standing right there and my arm hit his arm. He looked over at me but I tried making it look like I wasn't looking at him too. I just missed him and wanted him back but he probably has another girl.

I tell Madison and William I had to go so I started walking out the hospital.

Hayden's POV.

She left and I wanted to go after he but I couldn't. She probably would just ignore me and drive away.

"Hayden! You're suppose to be going after her." Says William as he pushes me out the door "go get your soulmate."

I grab my keys from my mom and I run out the hospital. Scarlet was in the middle of the parking lot standing there looking for her car.

"Scarlet wait!"

Scarlets POV.

I was standing in the middle of the parking lot trying to remember where I parked my car.

"Scarlet Wait!" I hear someone say from behind me.

I look over to see Hayden standing there. I was so happy that he went after me but I don't know if I could believe him about not kissing Monica back.


"Please don't go yet!"


"I'm in love with you, ok? I want you and only you! I never kissed Monica, she kissed me, I would never cheat on you ever."

"How can I believe you?"

"When have I lied to you? Probably like two times about something stupid. You just have to believe me, please."

My eyes start to fil with tears. I'm still in love with him and I believe he didn't kiss her but I don't know if I could go back.

"I don't know hayden."

"Please scarlet, you're the only girl I want and will ever want, I can't see my future with out you."

"Give me time to think."

"Take as long as you want, I'll wait."

I turn around and I walk over to my car. As soon as I sit down into my seat I start balling my eyes out. I could see him standing there still just looking at the ground. I can't do it any more. I open my door and I run over to him.

"I can't live my life without you." I say as I give him a hug.

We both stood in the middle of the parking lot crying our eyes out. And the best part is that it start poring out.

1 week later

Hayden confronted Monica and blocked her on everything.

Madison and William brought Isabelle home and she's super healthy.

Life has been great really. Everything has been going to plan and it's just amazing.

School is starting in a month and I was happy since my last month of school was taken because I broke up with Hayden which I regret because it was worse three months of my life not having him by my side everyday. I hope that never happens again.


Taylor: Hey this is Taylor and we go to the same school, you probably don't know me but while you and Hayden were taking I break I guess you can call it, Hayden dated this girl named Clair for a month. I don't know if you know her or not but she was always talking behind your back with him. Well not with him because he always stood up for you but like yeah, just thought you should know!

Dream.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora