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Hayden dated Clair? Why didn't he tell me?

"Hayden Edward!" I scream

Hayden comes running into my room like he was getting chased by a murder.


"You dated Clair?"


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought it was over and I hated it so much, I'm sorry." He says as he covers his face.

"It's fine." I say as I open my arms.

He walks over to me and gives me a hug. We ended up watching tangled and playing on our phones for the rest of the day.

It was morning and hayden fell asleep on my bed. I felt like getting ready so I got dress, did my makeup, and hair. I go upstairs to get breakfast, but I see balloons and flowers everywhere.

"Hey scarlet." Madison says as she has a box in her hand.


"Will you be my maid of honor?"

"Yes!" I say as I give her a hug.

I mean I already kind of knew I was the maid of honor but just getting asked was amazing. I never thought I would be someone's maid of honor until william proposed to Madison.

One week before the wedding.

Madison already had her dress and we were just starting to put everything up for the wedding. Madison and William said they wanted an out door wedding since she always dreamed of having one since she was a child and William wanted her dreams to come true.

They want isabelle to be the flower girl which I think is so cute. I just can't wait for them to get married!

Night of the wedding

Madison was all ready and so was William, everyone started showing up for the wedding and I'm so excited.

Madison was so nervous but she tried staying calm since isabelle was screaming her head off.

Scarlet woodmen

ITS FINALLY MADISONS WEDDING DAY!!! I can't wait for her to be my sister in-law!

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ITS FINALLY MADISONS WEDDING DAY!!! I can't wait for her to be my sister in-law!

Liked by Ava_may2002 and 1059 others

Madison looked so pretty in her dress!

It was now time for the wedding to start, everyone walked down. Then it was Madison's time. They start playing the music, she looked so beautiful.

She gets over to William and it all starts.

"Today we gather here for Madison Jackson and William workmen."

I'm not going to put everything down so let's get to the I do.

"Do you Madison Jackson, take William workmen as your husband?"

"I do."

"Do you william workmen, take Madison Jackson as your wife?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife!"

They both leave and go to where ever, I don't know where they went.  Everyone gets to the tent where the wedding was and we start to eat the food.

Hayden and I both sat at this table in the back and didn't really talk to anyone but william and Madison. I don't know why because Hayden and I like talking to people but I guess we weren't feeling like talking to people.

Later that night everyone left and William and Madison went home and I took isabelle and watched her while they went to their hunny moon. I've never watched isabelle so I was nervous but I had Hayden to help so I was glad about that.

Hayden and I both stayed at Madison and Williams house and took care of isabelle. She was such a good baby other then the screaming in the middle of the night, and barely getting any sleep.

"We're home!" I hear Madison say.

Hayden and I both run out of Isabelle's room and we give her to Madison. We were so happy that we didn't have to watch her anymore and that we could finally get sleep, this really makes me rethink
About wanting kids.

We walk over to the couch and fall asleep while Madison and William bring their stuff into the house. I think we slept for two hours before waking up and going home.

Madison workmen

Thank you to everyone who made it to the wedding last week! William and I both love all the gifts and cards

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Thank you to everyone who made it to the wedding last week! William and I both love all the gifts and cards.

Liked by William_workmen20208 and 1002 other


I keep looking at all the photos of their wedding and I just can't wait til Hayden and I get married, if we do I mean. No one knows the future.

It's the first day of school, actually the first last day of school since it's my last year of school. I can't believe I'm eighteen and going to graduate soon, well in nine months but it's probably going go by so fast.

I get to school and I see heather with her new boyfriend Zane. He always went to the school but never hung around me. I never even liked him because he was annoying in middle school.

"Good morning heather and Zane." I say as I walk into the school.

I go over to Hayden who was putting his book in the locker. He looked sick, maybe he had the cold or something.

"Hayden? Do you have a cold?"

"No why?"

"You look sick."

"I didn't get any sleep."

"Oh ok."

I go to my first class, it was super boring and I didn't like the teacher. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

"Hey scarlet, want to get dinner?" Hayden asked.

"Yeah sure why not."

We go to McDonalds for dinner? I don't know why he would take me to McDonald's but it was good so I mean I'm not complaining. After we got our food we went to his house and watched a movie with his brother and parents. It was a pretty interesting movie and I loved spending time with his family.

I get home to my parents in the kitchen and isabelle watching cartoons in her swing in the living room. I always love when she comes over because I finally get to hangout with her without Madison taking her from me every five seconds.

I go over to her and I pick her up. She was starting to get so big and I didn't like it. I sat on the couch for about an hour playing with her and watching cartoons with her before madison and William came back and got her.

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