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"Ummmm sure?"

"Wait really?" Says William.

"Yeah why not."

Of course Hayden and I start laughing at the awkwardness. It wasn't even funny but him being there made everything funny really.

After finishing our food me, hayden, madison, maverick, piper, Mary, Ava, and William all went back to the camp together. There was no one else there because everyone was staying at the church for a couple more hours. We all had no clue what to do so we went to the teens to play games and talk to eachother.

We walk over there to see heather, clair and Monica sitting in there. Their friend group hates us as you may know and the thing that happened with Hayden and heather made it kind of awkward.

"Hey heather." I say while I smile and look over at Hayden.

I knew what I was doing and it was just to be funny in my own head. I probably sound full of myself but I promise I'm not.

"Hayden can you come with me to get water?" I ask.

"Yeah sure."

We both start walking over to my camper. I don't like walking alone at places so I always bring people with me. We decided to have a running contest to see who could get to my camper first. As we were running Hayden falls over a route and hits the ground.

"Are you ok." I say while laughing my head off.

"Yeah I like bleeding, thank you though."


I help him get up and I look at his face to see his lip bleeding. I couldn't help but laugh at how dumb he looked but I also felt bad.

"You have blood on your lip."

"Wow thanks, didn't notice."

We finally get over to my camper and I help him clean his cut. It seemed like it hurt and he kept laughing so it was hard to clean it.

"I tell you what Hayden, if you keep laughing I'm going to slap you!"

"I can't stop laughing!"

"Well just try!"

"I can't!"

"Try idiot!"

"What did you just call me?" He says trying to act serious.

"I called you a sweet pumkin pie." I say with a smirk.

"Yeah sure."

I finish cleaning his cut.I had to grab my water and when I look over to see Hayden he was gone.

"Hayden? Where are you?"

I start looking around and I couldn't find him anywhere. I walk outside to see him doing jumping jacks at the park.

"What are you doing!"

"Waiting for you."

"Wow ok."

I walk over to him and he puts his arms around the back of neck and we start skipping to the teens.

"Who's phone is that?" I say looking at the ground

" I don't know?"

Hayden picks up the phone and sees there's a message from Mary.


Mary: Hey where are you?

Madison: I'm in the bathroom.

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