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"Ok" He says as he walks away.


He stops and turns around. His face was red and I could see the tears fall down his face. I felt so bad for everything and I didn't know he actually loved me.

"What? You don't feel the same way, why don't you just go and date Oliver instead."

"Because I love you, you idiot!" I yell at him.

Everyone around us pauses and looks at us. It was complete silence and there was a lot of people there. After a minute we could start to hear people whispering to eachother. I felt scared. I didn't know what he was going to do and I didn't know what I was going to do ether.

He starts walking towards me and but stops right in front of me. We were staring at eachother right in the eyes not doing anything.

"Come on hayden, man up and say it back!" Yells William.

Hayden looks over at William and then at Riley. He wouldn't look away from her and she wouldn't look away from him. I felt like he loved her. I mean people do lose feelings but he just admitted to having feelings for me a minute ago.

He looks back over to me and hugs me. He had such a tight grip on me and I could hardly breath. He finally Let go of me some to where I could actually breath.

"I love you too." He says quietly.

I didn't expect him to actually say it back. I thought he would just leave and not talk to me for awhile until Madison convince him to talk to me again. And Madison watched the whole thing and I just wanted to know how she felt at that moment.

Later that night the whole football team went out to eat and Madison and I were invited to go too. It was pretty fun but Hayden and I didn't really talk because it felt awkward.

"Hey scarlet can I stay at your house tonight." Ask Madison

"Yeah sure!"

It was around 10pm and William was going to take us home but he said he was going to stay at Mavericks house that night since they haven't been able to spend much time with eachother. So Madison and I had to ride back with Hayden.

We all got into Hayden's car and he takes us to his house. I knew he was going to do that because he doesn't like driving and he likes to be annoying too.

"Why is he taking us to his house?" Madison whispers into my ear.

"I have no clue."

He pulls into his drive way and we all get out. He comes over to me and grabs my hand and we go inside.

"Hi Madison and scarlet!"

"Hello." I say while Madison goes to the bathroom and leaves me.

"How have you been?"

"I've been good, you?"

"Oh I've been great!"

I give her a smile before going upstairs to find Hayden. He hasn't talked to me since the thing that happened at his game. And the worse part is that his parents saw the whole thing.

Knock knock

I knock on his door so he knew I was coming in. He was sitting on his bed on his phone, I go over to him and I sit next to him.

"Why haven't you been talking at all?"

"I just haven't felt like talking."

"Oh ok." I say as I grab my phone out of my jacket.

"I'm sorry, I know you probably wanted to talk to me."

"No it's fine, I understand this is probably awkward."

Dream.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang