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"Hello everyone, we have news that volleyball is canceled this year!" The principal says

Everyone starts getting upset and mad. I don't play volleyball but a lot of my friends do and their really serious about it so I had to act upset so they wouldn't be all mad that I didn't care.

I walk out the gym and I go over to piper and maverick, I haven't been talking to them a lot either and I would really like to start actually talking to my friends again other then just Madison and hayden.

"Hey piper and maverick!"

"Oh hey, haven't been talking to you a lot." Piper says trying to joke around.

We all laugh a little before they walk away. I was going to ask them if they wanted to hangout but they didn't stay long enough for me to ask them to hangout. Am I losing all my friends? I mean they've all drifted away since Hayden and I started dating and now I'm realizing I have no friends but him.

I go home and I go straight to my room. I normally stay and talk to people but I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. I felt sad kind of and like I was lonely. I mean I'm not but I'm just realizing that I'm losing all my friends. I mean the three months Hayden and I weren't together I was the loneliness I've ever been.

Knock knock

"Come in."

Piper comes into my room balling her eyes out. She walks over to me and falls onto my lap. I didn't know what was wrong with her and she never cry's.

"What's wrong pipes?"

"Maverick broke up with me." She says wiping her tears off her cheeks.

"What- Why?"

"He said he was losing feelings and starting to get feelings for someone else."

"Do you know who the girl is?"

"I don't know, but he's been spending a lot of time with Monica lately."

"Wait really?"


I get out of my bed and I go over to Hayden's house. I go straight to his bedroom and I grab his. He kept asking me where we were going but I wouldn't tell him. We get to Mavericks and we see Monica's car in his drive way. I go inside his house without knocking and straight to his room.

"Maverick Jones!"


"What is this? Aren't you with piper?"

"No, she broke up with me."

"Oh she did?"

"Yeah, she said she didn't like me because I was loud and annoying."

"She said you told her that you lost feelings and was getting feelings for Monica."

"Yeah you're right, but my life isn't your problem."

"You hurt piper!"

"She can't have everything she wants."

"Why'd you tell her you were leaving her for Monica though?"

"I don't know."

Hayden walks over to Monica and tells her to get out the room. And then walks over to Hayden.

"In the end when you lose someone, every light, every prayer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing you had left. There's a hole In your life where somebody that you use to care about used to be."

"Shut up Hayden!"

"There's always going to be that hole you can't fix because the thing that was there you threw it away!"

"I never loved her!"

"Look at me! You loved her so much, you couldn't imagine your life without her, and now.... now...... you have nothing. Because you chose Monica over the best girl in the world."

"She never wanted me."


"She's always wanted Hayden and I've always wanted scarlet, we had hope that us wanting you guys would make it work for us. But I didn't."

"I'm sorry, but she's grown on you. She loves you now.."

"I'm in love with scarlet though."

"I know."

"You don't know, you've gotten everything you wanted, so don't tell me you know!"

"What do you mean I've gotten everything I wanted?"

"You got scarlet and good grades, basketball, good relationships."

"I worked for all of that,I mean scarlet hated me at first but I worked until I got her."

"Just leave my house!"

Hayden looks over at me then grabs my hand and walks out the door. Monica was standing there and looks over at me and then rolls her eyes. I knew she was mad at me because he wanted me and not her. I felt guilty for everything. I've lost maverick, who's next?

1 week later

I haven't gone to school, I haven't gone anywhere or seen anyone. I've just been in my room doing nothing but staring at the ceiling. I've lost everything and now I'm losing more by not doing anything about it. I've became depressed and I don't think I'll get out of it.

"Scarlet!" I hear my mom call from outside of my bedroom.


"Do you want anything from the store?"


I really wanted to go to the store but I didn't have any energy.

Hayden: I'm on my way for your house.

Scarlet: why?

Hayden: because I want to see you?

I didn't really want to see anyone til I got better because I look like crap and I lost some weight.

Knock knock

Hayden walks into my room drinking his water and on the phone with someone. As soon as he saw me he hung up.

"Are you ok." He says as I walks over to me.


"What's going on?"

"I'm loosing everything and now I've lost the energy to do anything."

"Ill get you to normal." He says as he gives me a hug.

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