Chapter 10: Psychological test

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"There's an animal cage in front of you. How many cats are in the cage?" Fujiwara asked.

"What kind of abstract question is that?" Miyuki asked.

"It's a psychological test!" Fujiwara said as she was holding a book that read "Psychological tests for beginners".

"It's from a book I borrowed from the library."

"Just by answering this question, I'll be able to understand the depths of your mind, President." Fujiwara said.

"Is that so?" I asked. "This should be interesting."

"This is silly." Miyuki said. "As if you could understand the workings of the mind with a question like that."

"Come on, just humor me." Fujiwara said. "How many cats?"

Meanwhile, Kaguya was listening closely.

"I guess about nine cats." Miyuki imagined.

"That tells me how many children you want!" Fujiwara said.

Wait... Does he want nine children?! Dang...

"Nine kids? Jesus dude, that's like a baseball team!" I said as I held in my laughter.

Psychology tests. An abstract question that draws out what someone really thinks.
Most of them have amusing game elements that employ the Barnum effect, but some of them are practical and based on actual psychology.
The person who thinks of these tests only as an amusing trifle and lets their guard down may be in for a bitter experience. 

"I've got another really interesting one!" Fujiwara said as she dragged out Ishigami from under the table. "Let's do it together!"

"Oh, us, too?" Kaguya asked.

"I mean, it could be fun, right?" I asked her.

"Perhaps." Kaguya said.

"Sheesh... since when did you use those "All Mighty" words Kaya?" I said.

"U-Uh..." She blushed a bit.

"Are you guys ready?" Fujiwara said as she looked into the book. 

"You're walking down a dark path. Suddenly, someone taps you on the shoulder from behind.

Who is that person?"

We all began thinking. "Give me a hint." Miyuki said.

"This isn't a quiz, so it doesn't work that way." Fujiwara said.

"Hm..." I wondered.

Who could be behind me... Probably Zero Two, knowing her, she likes to play pranks with her friends -_-


As I was laying on the sofa, watching videos from my phone, I suddenly felt like I was being watched.

I sat up and looked around, seeing no one. 'Must be my imagination." I thought before I turned my attention back to the phone when I saw something move in the corner of my vision.

I quickly sat up and looked where I saw something move. "Hello?" I said.

No answer.

I got up before walking through the doorframe when suddenly.


My face was covered in a pie mush as I heard the laughter of Zero Two and her friends.

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