Cough {Narkino}

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As Narita heard Kinoshita cough for the third time in five minutes, he started to worry. Kinoshita was always in good shape. He rarely ever got sick. At one point he even came to practice while he was sick, insisting that he was well enough to play.

Near the end of practice, Narita decided to confront Kinoshita about it, wanting to make sure that his friend was ok.

"Hey, Kinoshita. You feeling alright?" He asked in as sweet a tone as he could manage. Kinoshita turned to him and smiled before going into another coughing fit.

"As good as I can be, why?"

"Because you're coughing like you have the plague! I'm worried about you," Narita said, resolution and softness mixed delicately into his words. A forlorn look crossed Kinoshita's face as he said,

"I didn't have a fever this morning, so I might just have something stuck in my throat." Narita nodded.

"Well, go home and get some rest. If you need anything, I'm one call away," Narita said, waving to the boy as he left the gym. Kinoshita stood there for a moment, a thousand thoughts and emotions rushing through his head. His face erupted into a crimson blush. Kinoshita knew that Narita was just being nice but he couldn't help but think that he might have a chance with his classmate.

As Kinoshita felt another cough coming on he ran to the bathroom, determined to get to the sink. Thankfully, he made it, but the stark white of the sink made the dark blood he coughed up so much brighter.

With the blood came flowers. The carnations weren't large but just large enough to block his airway and slowly suffocate him. The petals were painted a soft pink, making them look innocent and kind. How they couldn't be more wrong.

Kinoshita had been coughing up flowers for two weeks now. When the petals first appeared, a quick google search told him it was a disease called hanahaki. It was bred from unrequited love. Kinoshita had a good idea of who might be behind this. He noticed the way that Narita cared for everyone, even if it didn't benefit him. Kinoshita thought he was a great person, and that he was really freaking cute.

Also in his google search, he found the side effects and cures to his horrid disease. Option one was to get the person to love you back, which would dissolve all the flowers in your lungs. Or you could get surgery, which had rough side effects. If you got the surgery you would forget the person you love ever existed. All your memories with them would be wiped forever. Even if you were best friends with them, all the good times you had would cease to exist. Kinoshita hated the thought of losing Narita. But when it came down to it, he would rather live and forget than die with regrets.

As the coughing fit receded, Kinoshita sighed and ran his hand over his mouth, wiping away any stray droplets of blood. The carnation petals lined the sink like a blanket, each petal-soft to the touch. Kinoshita scooped up all the petals and dumped them in the trash. He cleaned the sink and his hands of any blood. Kinoshita sighed as he looked in the mirror. He stretched his face into a smile then pinched his cheeks, attempting to make them look pink and pretty.

How could he ever love someone like you? Kinoshita asked himself. With that, Kinoshita left the bathroom, making his way home.


A week had passed since Narita confronted Kinoshita about his coughing. The coughs were still there, but every time they would start Kinoshita would run to the bathroom. Narita thought this was strange, but didn't feel like he needed to butt in. If Kinoshita was feeling well enough to come to school, he had to be fine, right?

Narita came into the gym the next morning to the sounds of Kinoshita's unmistakable coughing coming from the bathroom. He was the only one in the gym, so he dropped his stuff by the door and walked to the bathroom, opening the door cautiously.

"Kinoshita? Are you in here?"

"Yeah. I'll be out in a few minutes." Kinoshita replied, his voice weak and breathy.

"Kinoshita, you don't sound too good. Have you gone to the doctor about your coughing?" Narita asked, walking to the stall that Kinoshita currently resided in. A few seconds passed before Kinoshita replied.

"No, but I am soon. My parents are worried about me and my health."

"I'm glad. Your coughs sound painful."

"They are," Kinoshita managed a laugh, which just came out as a weak chuckle.

"I best be going. I'll see you in a few minutes," Narita said, walking away from the stall.

"Yeah, ok."


The next day Kinoshita was absent. When Narita asked Daichi about it he said that Kinoshita was absent for medical reasons and that he would be back in two days.

Narita accepted this, knowing it was best for his friend. In the two days that Kinoshita was gone, however, Narita noticed how lonely he was without the other boy. He had no one to joke about Tanaka and Noya with, no one to practice receives with, not even someone to walk to class with him. His life was dull without the other boy, and Narita had realized this too late.

When Kinoshita came back, his cough was gone. He greeted everyone in the volleyball club except Narita, which he found strange. Narita ran to the tan-haired male and tapped him on the shoulder, hoping to gain his attention. Kinoshita turned and smiled, showing his pearly-white teeth.

"Hello, can I help you?" Kinoshita asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Well, you didn't say hi to me. I was so worried about you, Kinoshita! What happened?" Narita said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm sorry to ask, but have we met before? I don't remember giving you my name." Narita was confused by this. What did he mean have we met before? They were best friends! They were practically attached at the hip!

"Uhm, I'm Narita? Your best friend?"

"I'm sorry Narita-kun, but I don't remember meeting you. But, I'm Kinoshita Hisashi. I'm a second-year!" Kinoshita extended a hand for him to shake. Narita stared at the hand, shock spreading across his face. Kinoshita didn't remember him?

"I'm sorry, but I have to go," Narita said suddenly, running away from Kinoshita. He ran to the bathrooms, the same ones that Kinoshita had been coughing in three days ago.

He ran into one of the stalls and locked the door, leaning his head against the metal. Narita felt something tickle in the throat, which soon became a suffocating pressure. He coughed something into his hand.

A small carnation petal, painted with blood.


Haha, I hate myself.

Say hi to my friend!

Have a nice day/night! [No takebacks]


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