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Kayla's P. O. V

After my in counter with ethan and buying the dresses we decided to go home and get ready.  I walked straight to the bathroom to shower i did my routine and. Got out. I ran i actually ran to my room.  When I reached my door i pushed it open and ran towards my bed but tripped over something laying on the floor. I groaned in pain as my stomach also landed on something. I slowly but painfuly stood to my feet to see what i tripped over and landed on i turned to see alex still asleep on my floor my stomach landed on a shoe. Man he can sleep through anything. 

I dust my self of and fixed the towel that was rapped around me and i turned and slammrd my door shut i sighed and walked to ny bed were ny dress was as Te brought it in here.  I put my underwear on and sat on my bed crossed legged i started to curl my hair in light curls i then applied my light makeup I turned to the dress on my bed i sighed once again and stood up i picked it up and slid it on to my curvy body. 

I slide my pumps on and grabbed my wallet i looked my self over once again and slowly walked to my door i called alexs name and he shot up and followed me. I walked out to the lounge room and saw Te there with her hair in a lazy but classy ponytail and light makeup she smiled at me and i smiled lightly back i absolutely hate dresses with a fucking passion i slowly nade my way to my car as mum was already there but she texted Te the address so i am just going to follow her there.

"lets go shall we" Te said exiting the house

"yeah sure whatever " i grumbled

I got in my car an started it up and braced myself for the long drive ahead of me.

I followed Te for a good hour or so till we both pulled into a huge as mansion and did i mention that it is in the middle of fucking nowhere. I park right beside her and got out. We walked up to the door.

" ring the door bell" i said

"no you do it "she yelled back

" you do it"

"no you"

"no you"

"alright ladies the door is already open" a rusty young voice spoke. Witch made me and Te both jump witch made the voice laugh.

"uhh hello i am Te and this is kayla is this were the business dinner is" Te said pointing to me then the house i waved at him shyly.  He smiled back

" hello i am parker and yes this is were the dinner is" he said playing with his light brown hair his baby blue eyes sparkling his tan skin looking gorgeous the shirt he was wearing clung to his chest and biceps and his basketball shorts hanging low.  He cleared his throat and started to walk away. We stood there shocked till he turned around.

"you coming you guys are late" he laughed

We both hurried down the hallway to the dinning room witch held close to three hundred people.  I scanned the room and saw my mother talking to a really tall man like wholly crap. I walked straight to her and tapted her shoulder. She turned around and smiled.

"hey sweetie this is john he is a good friend of mine" she said pointing to the tall fifty year old man.

" hello i am kayla i was just wondering were my seat is" i said kinda awkwardly. 

" your seat is up head of the table right next to my son he is about your age" john said pointing to the seat i had to sit on

" thanks" and with that i walked away.

I walked to my chair and plooped down. I pulled down the hem of my dress and rested my head on my hand while i played with my fork. Till i heard a thud sound next to me at the head of the table.

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