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 kayla's P.O.V

 " da da dad i thought you were fucking dead you left when i was about ten or so years old and before that you weren't much of a farther anyway neither was mum she still isn't  much of a mother to me why the hell have you come back now why do you want to start conversation now why do you want revenge now why dad why you know what i can not even call you my farther you are nothing to me never have never will" by the end of me yelling at my so called farther i was hyperventalating and ethan was hugging me trying to calm me down by making small circles on my lower back with his finger.

" sweetie i can explain everything i promise-" he started

"don't call me sweetie i am very far from sweet" i hissed at him

"okay sorry kayla Te and marrian (their mothers name) i can explain why i left and why you were told i was dead it is very simple-." he started again

"it is not very simple mason my daughters sufferd cause of your nasty ways and it broke my heart alot when you left for the reason that i have not told my girl" my mother muttured

"mum you knew the reason dad left and you never told us ahh i hate this family i hate my mother i hate my farther and sometimes i even hate my moron of a sister god i hate everyone" i stormed out of the office an stright to the backyard.

stupid stuipd ahhh why now when everything was just starting to get better he just has to come in and bloddy ruin it like always. i bloddy hate him so much like wholy crap.

"i am going for a walk through the woods to cool off" i mumbled to myself

i set off into the forest that was at the side of the house i just kept walking every now and then snapping sticks to realise the angry i had botled up.

stupid dad

stupid mum

stupid sister

why is my family so god dam stupid.

my body felt numb and i just collapsed next to a tree i felt my body crumble i am so angry yet so upset all in one.why does my family have to be so fucked up like wholly shit. i felt something warm run down my face i was crying i angrily wiped the tears away and tried to stand up but collapsed once again. i looked for the closes tree and crawled to it and leaned against it my head hung back and my eyes closed.

stupid stupid people

i hate people

i hate emotions

i hate life at the moment

it felt like hours i sat there just thinking about everything.

my mum, sister and dad all knew why dad left and none of them had the heart to tell me why what is so bad about me.

bitch am i fucking adoppted?

i hope not and i can't i look like my mother to much so that is crossed out and i look slightly like my sister well shit i know now i am apart of a lying family.

my eyes slowly opened and i came face to face with a brownish white grey wolf. he was a big wolf let me tell you like wholly shit.but his eyes so human like kind of like ethans eyes bright greenish blue beautiful if you ask me. his fur looked so soft and fluffy my hand reached out to touch him but it shot back when the wolfs head shot to my hand and looked at it.

"woah fluffy calm down" i said he snarled

i rolled my eyes but curled up as it did scare me his eyes and posture softened when he realised what he did.i physicaly relaxed. He layed at my feet and nudged them slightly with his nose. My reached out once again and his eyes followed my every move.

"Easy boy I'm not going to hurt you" I cooed

My hand touched his soft fluffy fur and it sent tingles through my hand just like when I touch ethan. My fingers ran through the silky fur I rubbed his ear and then pulled my arm back.

"You can go boy I will be fine" I said trying to stand.

But when I almost tripped I felt a spft suface behind me keeping me balanced. I turned my head and saw the wolf helping me stand. I smiled and his eye light up like a thousand flyflies. I started to walk in the direction I think I came from but stopped about ten meters in.

"Did I come this way or was it this way good I can't remembe" I muttered

I heard a slight giggle but when I turned around all I saw was the wolf still. I looked at him confused. He just stuck his tounge out at me I rolled my eyes an turned back around.

Now what way did I bloddy come from.

I heard a husky bark and saw the wolf infront of me nudging me to follow. So I did. An sooner then later the mansion was standing infront of me. I looked beside me to see the wolf to thank him but he was gone.I just strugged and trotted inside.

i was warmly greeted by ethan he was sitting on the couch watching some action movie his eyes shot to mine and the wolf popped in my head they have the same eyes.

"kayla are you okay darling you were gone a very long time" ethan stated getting up and engulfing me in a bone crushing hug

here com the tingles

"yeah sorryy i kind of collasped and a beautiful brown white grey wolf found me scared me at first but i felt like i had a connection with him so i trusted him and followed him he brought me home all in one peiece" i exclaimed pulling back slightly from the hug to look at his face.

"wel i am glad your home and safe darling" his husky voice rung through my ears.

"dinner is almost ready alp- ethan" a ored women said entering the room

what was se going to say

probably nothing

we both nodded and pulled apart

the tingles left.

i frowned as his warmth left me

my stomach growled on cue and i blushed as ethan chuckled

"someone's hungry" he chuckled

i slapped his muscular chest and followed the oldish women to the beautiful dinning room.

Ethans P.O.V

oh the way she talked about my wolf turned me on so damm much i wanted to take her right there and then but i know i have to wait till she is ready i can't force anything on my darling i just wouldn't have the heart anyway i love her to much so does zane he his starting to become protective of her witch i like cause he won't let anyone hurt her ad neither will i.

i love my darling and i will do anything for her she is mine and know one can take her away form me especially her farther.

A/N awww ethan the cutie sorry that this update took so long i have been really busy with work and school work

btw the photo is ethan if you can see it i don't know if it worked or not


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