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*this might be a triggering chapter so if your in that state of mind please skip this chapter i love my readers and don't want any of you get triggered by this thank you*

Kayla P.O.V

It can't be how did he find were i was i haven't seen him since we were 14 years old he was and still is my best friend i can't believe he is here.

" Carlisle is that really you? " i asked moving forward so he could see me

" kay hey yes it is me i haven't seen you in four years how you been? " he said standing up and hugging me

" i have been good yourself? How did you find me Carlisle? " i ask moving back as ethans arns automatically rapped around my waist Carlisles eyes looked at ethan then his arm

" good soon to be great and i was running in the forest yesterday and i smelt your senct that beautiful scent of jasmine and lavender and it come here i knocked on the door and this fellow mikey and his mate steph let me. In i even saw Te and your mun while you were out and may i ask who this is? " Carlisle smiled a deep dark smile

Wait he is a werewolf aswell and he never told me this just a nother person that i trusted that backstabbed me GREAT not.

" wait your a werewolf too that cool wait so that's my scent i thought it was more mystical alwell this is my mate alpha ethan of the red crescent pack" i replied placing a soft small kiss on ethans cheek after.

" an who is this darling? " ethan asked curious

" well ethan this is Carlisle black he was and still is my bestfriend since we were like five and something happened and i haven't seen him for four years so no need to become protective wolf okay" i said hugging ethan tightly around the waist.

" i wasn't becoming protective wolf and it's nice to meet you Carlisle " ethan said shaking his hand.

" nice to meet you alpha ethan" Carlisle bowed

i chuckled but covered it with a cough witch made ethan silently chuckle beside me.

" welcome how long will you be staying? " steph piped up as her and mikey grabbed his suitcases

So he was definitely going somewhere where though.

" ahh if it is okay with your alpha maybe a few weeks till i find my mate and settle down. " Carlisle smiled

Ethan nodded and showed him to his room as i went to the kitchen were shot wwnt down i heard yelling and smashing plates and. Cups more yelling i knew the who the voices belonged to before seeing them Te and micheal were yelling fighting chucking things at each other.

" Te just get over yourself your too controlling and pushing and when you don't get your own way you have a tantrum and a hissy fit and scream like a fucking four year Te you need to grow the fuck up and get over yourself and the situation" micheal growled at her i stood in the door way full of shock and disbelief

"micheal I'm not controlling or pushy okay so why don't you get over yourself micheal I'm might get annoyed when i don't get my way yes but so do you Micheal your not perfect okay you get angry very quickly and your take things too seriously and it is quite annoying micheal" Te growled right back at him i still stood frozen but they didn't see me

" you know what I'm over it" micheal grumbled

" oh are you now " she said mocking his tone

" yeah i am i micheal Gordon reject you Te smith" micheal said simply

I was gob smacked he rejected his mate his other half. What and my sister that asshole Te oh poor Te she is probably dieing right now micheal realised what he just did and tried to reason with her but she bolted right pass me and then be saw me.

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