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Ethans's P.O.V

after kayla left i walked around the room for abit i slid a shirt on and wondered down staris for breakfast. i searched around the room and saw many faces but not the small delacite face that i have come to love i saw Te and micheal sitting together i walked over to ask them if they have seen kayla but then her musking rain and forest sent hit me like a tone of bricks i couldn't help but follow her sent. i saw her standing with leonardo and his mother walking away. i smiled at mia (leo's mother) as she walked past she smiled back and went on her way. i watched kayla and leo from afair they were talking but i couldn't hear them over the people that were around me a bunch of teenagers talking about their firt shift and how cool it will be to find their mate. i saw kayla and leo moving kayla looked confused and scarde her face was blank but her eyes told the whole story. i wanted to comfort her but she would yell at me once again her cold tone her angry matter it scared me but turned me on all at the same time i thought she would be diffrent bur yet again i am the same if someone disobeys me.

"alpha ethan" my beta called

i turned my head to see him standing next to me with his mate hanging off him

i shoot him a glare to continue

"the mother has come to a the conclusion that they will be moving in but not straight away but she saidthe two girls are more then welcomed to stay if they wish" he said then he kissed his mate on her temple

i imagined me doing that to kayla me actually get to touch her like i did before would be just so perfect but it is hard that her mother has been so stupid and hasn't told her anything yet has told Te witch i find really mean i smile to myself at the thought of actually placing my lips to kaylas that day will come soon i just have to work up to it. i was taken out of my daze when james (my beta) elbowed me i let out a low growl.

"what the hell was that for james" i hissed

"we have been asked to sit down but you were just standing there smiling like the chesarcher cat off alice in wonderland" james said slowly moving away

"sorry about that you may start eating now" i ordered

ii scanned the table and saw kayla standing awkwardly looking for a seat then she saw the two empty seats the one on the end witch was my seat and the one nest to it witch was for my luna witch one day will be her and that seat shall be rightfully hers and she will be proud to sit beside me and we will be fully mated and lfe will be perfect fora change.

"kayla is there a problem" Te asked across from the table next to micheal and jessica witch is james mate

kayla looked so uncomfitable but she was so deep in thought that she didn1t hear her sister i looked over at her and she looked at the two seats i moved forward slowly and placed my hand on her lower back she jumped and moved forward away from my touch. but she pysically relaxed when she realised it was just me. she sent me a breathtaking smile and i smiled right back.

"is everything okay my darling" is said in her ear so only she heard she oversly was pleased with this movment as she colsed her eyes.

"we should sit now darling"

"but i don't know were to sit" she said confused

"well my seat is at the head of the table and yours is next to mine it is your chair darling" and with that i moved to sit at the table to eat my breakfast

i looked over to watch kayla she hesitated at frst but then moved foward and took the seat next to mine everyone stopped what they were doing and looked right at kayla she looked very uncomfitable and awkward. some people wishpered things to other people.

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