Chapter 6

73 10 13

One of my favourite Chapters ;) 


Sandra's P.O.V.

Stepping out of the shower, a towel wrapped around her body, Sandra padded over to her bathroom mirror and wiped away a little of the steam to glance at her face.

She still looked a little tired and worn, but at least she'd been able to clear her head and regain some control. But even as Sandra bent over to flip her hair and towel dry it, the boy's,  Adrien's, green eyes would not shrink from her vision. Sandra was enraptured and hadn't been able to think of much else for the rest of the afternoon.

Even though she'd been left standing there by herself, she couldn't shake off the premonition, there was something with this boy that was pulling her towards him. Even as she pulled on fuzzy socks, underwear, sweats and a cropped tank top, she couldn't help deliberating about his mysterious departure.

"Where on earth could he have raced off to, so urgently?" Sighing, she sat down on the edge of the bathtub, that stood in her sky blue bathroom, resting her head in her hand.

She'd stumbled through the rest of her shift, feeling stupid and not being able to concentrate. Sandra had set to sorting through the groceries, adding fresh meat to the massive fridge and filling up all sorts of jars in the kitchen, to keep her mind off the mysterious boy. But she'd barely noticed what exactly she was doing and gave up after a few feeble attempts of labelling containers.

The brunette had had a headache and wanted nothing more than to go home, have a nice long shower and hide her still flushed face in her pillows. And, to her surprise, her father had let her go home early. The restaurant had been preparing for a food critic anyway, and only professionally trained waiters were supposed to be there.

Wrapping a towel around her still damp curls, the brunette stepped out of her ensuite bathroom into her top floor room. Whitewashed walls with loads of pictures, tiny ornaments and posters greeted her, illuminated by the golden sun rays that were gently shining in through her big windows.

A soft breeze raked through the mess of papers on her white cottage style desk, that was completed by an olive green vintage lamp and a matching plush chair. Discarding her towel onto the brightly coloured duvets of her canopy bed, the girl went over to her record player by the window and put on a classical record, watching the pins steady circling movements dreamily.

Striking up an improvisatory waltz in tune to the music, Sandra found herself dancing around her rooms with an imaginary partner, closing her eyes and humming. "A good thing nobody can read my thoughts," she mumbled to herself, as she started to picture the handsome young man with the blond curls, twirling her around instead of plain air. And finally, Sandra gave in and let a smile bloom across her lips.

Adrien's P.O.V.

Not having bothered to contemplate who this friend of Marinette's might be, Adrien was not prepared for the sight of a beautiful girl, dancing through her room, eyes closed, her skin glowing golden, curls slightly damp, a smile on her lips so radiant it could outshine the sun itself.

Mozart was playing in the background as Adrien found himself squatting on the fancily decorated balcony railing of the beige old fashioned townhouse, watching the girl he had left behind at the restaurants just a couple of hours before.

Now, having a minute to catch his breath, a wave of guilt swept over him. He felt horrible for having stormed off like that, and he badly wanted to apologise, but he wasn't Adrien Agreste right now, he was Chat Noir, Paris' Superhero, and this side of him had never talked to the girl. And he still had no idea what her name was.

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