Chapter 13

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Adrien's P.O.V.

Rage. Red, hot, boiling rage. That was the only feeling left in Adrien. "Sandra. Sandra. Sandra, Sandra, SANDRA!" His voice was breaking, tears blurring his vision. There was blood. So, so much blood. It was everywhere. It clung to every nook of her suit and drenched his gloved hands, as he cradled her limp body in his arms.

"Sandra." No answer. Her eyes fluttered open for a moment, unfocused, but she drifted right back into unconsciousness. She had lost too much blood, her complexion a papery white, skin translucent. Chameliona's pendant blinked urgently, two minutes left. He had to get her away from here.

Diabolic laughter made Adrien look up. Slimer had followed Chameliona, and even without his egg timer, he still carried a large knife in his hand, dripping blood. Her blood. Adrian couldn't take it any longer.


It took Adrien all of his will power to not charge at Slimer right there and then, but he knew it wasn't his fault. He was being mind-controlled by that vermin Hawkmoth, and would probably be devastated enough once he was cleansed and found out what he had done to an innocent girl.

Veins bulging, Adrien hissed at Slimer, knowing fully well that Hawkmoth could see his every move, and picked up Sandra carefully. With her in his arms, he vaulted with his stick to the nearest building and ran, trying to bring as much distance between them and the villain as possible.

Once he was sure there was no way Slimer would be able to follow them without his powers, Adrian set down Sandra on a deserted rooftop where they would be shielded from view. Propping the already transforming girl up against a chimney, he checked her pulse. It was incredibly slow and her breathing was ever so ragged.

"Sandra. Sandra, please, you cannot –" Adrien whispered, shaking his head, tears streaming down his face. Now the anger had ebbed away, there was only fear left. Bone-chilling fear that seemed to hollow him out from the inside. Adrien's voice shook.

"Plagg, claws in."

"Kiddo, I'm so s..."

"Take care of Cammi."

The god nodded silently and flew over to where the chameleon kwami was lying curled up next to its wielder.

Tugging his jumper off from his head, Adrien made quick work of ripping it to shreds. "Princess, this is going to hurt." A soft sigh escaped from Sandra's lips, but other than that, there was no reaction. As he tied the shreds of material tightly around her torso, she winced under his touch, making Adrien's heart ache. At least the blood flow on her biggest injuries had been staunched a little, but her whole body was covered in cuts and bruises.

Checking her pulse again, Adrien noted with panic that it was going lower and lower. "Oh snap, SANDRA!" He was shaking her. Sandras eyes opened a little, pupils dilated. "Sandra, we'll get you to Ladybug and her cleanse will fix you, but for now you have to hold on, d'you hear me!!" A low mumbling in response, and she was drifting off again.

"Ah, damn it." And suddenly Adrien's lips crashed onto Sandras. His hands gripped her cheeks as he willed her to react, even if it was to push him away, he didn't care, as long as she responded in some way. Electricity shot through him, making him kiss her harder, and there it was. A soft pucker. She was kissing him back. Feebly, but he was sure of it.

Furiously, he tipped her head back and deepened the kiss, his hand against the chimney to steady both of them as he gripped her tighter. It was a hot and passionate kiss, both of their tears mixing where their lips met. After a long moment, they pulled away, both of them breathless.

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